

2024/06/17 #

Today’s links:

  • 08:35:00 +07:00 The Light Phone - "The Light Phone III adds a metal frame, USB-C, fingerprint ID, a flashlight, 5G, an NFC chip, and a clickable wheel." - The idea behind this phone is kind of interesting. It's a phone but with a lot of the smartphone features stripped back. It only does the basics that a feature phone does but with a few extras like podcasts. The point is to try and create a device that is purely functional, that doesn't distract you from the real world around you. There is no web browser, no social media for example. The promo video does a good job of explaining things. Interested to see if this takes off. #

  • 09:15:00 +07:00 No One Is Talking About Brexit - I've heard this mentioned in a few places and I've noticed it too. I can understand it though, it is a bit of a distraction. I'm curious about the ongoing relationship with the EU, but I think we need to give the new outside the EU thing a chance to develop. Lots of opportunity to learn about ourselves as a nation imho. #

2024/06/16 #

Today’s links:

  • 06:21:00 +07:00 Why the pope has the ears of G7 leaders on the ethics of AI - This is likely more important than it appears, the pope has a very big influence on over a billion people worldwide. It's also interesting because like Biden, only the second Catholic US president, he's very old, yet still influencial, but also because what I get from the article is that what he speaks about AI actually seems somewhat well thought out. Perhaps his position enables him and his entourage to think deeply about these matters. Other names that might be worth remembering, Paolo Benanti an influencial fransiscan friar who advises the pope on AI, and Georgia Meloni, Italy's PM who’s the first to invite the pope to a G7 meeting. The other thing that's interesting is that not only is he at the G7 but he has been meeting with large groups of comedians recently. That's perhaps another sign of the times. It's hard to tell because there are so many levels of traditional media involved here, but maybe, just maybe it's not all garbage that this old fellow is leaving in his trail, which I'm afraid to say is more than can be said for some old people, at least in my vecinity this morning as I typed this paragraph. #

  • 06:54:00 +07:00 Blur: To the End review – sentimental journey for four likely lads on their way to Wembley - I saw them live in Ghent sometime around ’93 when they were just starting to get really big. Then at several festivals over the years, one particularly memorable. In a way, they sort of openned up the english music scene to me when I moved back from abroad to the UK to go to university. I got quite into them, even though it wasn't really the sort of music I listenned to at the time, which was much more dark and metally. Coincidentally the first post on the linkblog was to an article about Damon's shape shifting career. It's nice to see and read about them again after all these years, even if the review of the documentary isn't all that great. #

  • 07:11:00 +07:00 More than mere camembert: why France leads the world in cheesemaking - I guess the Guardian must synchronize some of their articles, I saved this without thinking it had anything to do with the previous Blur link, but surely it can't be a coincidence given Alex James’ passion for cheesemaking. You could make the argument that there's even a comedic cosmic link to the one before that too. In any case, I saved it because it occurred to me that I quite missed all the nice cheeses I used to eat when I was living in Belgium. The cheese here in Vietnam is very strange. It's this dry stringy stuff, a bit like shredded chicken. #

2024/06/15 #

Today’s links:

  • 04:34:00 +07:00 ChromeOS will soon be developed on large portions of the Android stack - The massively refactored ChromeOS will be based on the Android Linux kernel and Android frameworks, and will enable improved security, faster development of new AI features and better interop of different devices like phones with Chromebooks. Sounds awesome, especially the interop. That in my experience has always been where Android has performed very poorly. It will take a while to get there, but they will provide seemless transition when it's ready. #

  • 04:49:00 +07:00 Apple paying OpenAI with exposure, not money - Interesting collaboration, I wonder how long the honeymoon will last. Looks like Apple is already eyeing up other AI companies, planning to offer a variety of functionality to their customers. It's also interesting that OpenAI made a statement about privacy, how Apple customers won't be tracked. Do they treat other customers differently? Will they be audited around privacy? #

  • 12:45:00 +07:00 🚀 Latest Newsletter: Big Changes At Every Layer (Issue #168) #

  • 16:66:00 +07:00 Vladimir Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end war - It really feels like we are heading towards WW3 with all these wars going on. A tin foil hat wearer could be forgiven for thinking that such a thing would align with a world where AI tech puts millions of people out of work. Maybe time to invest in nuclear energy companies. Pains me to say it but that’s realistically the only thing that will loosen Russia‘s grip on the west. #

2024/06/14 #

Today’s links:

  • 05:24:00 +07:00 PDF to podcast - I haven't tried this but it was on HN yesterday. You upload a PDF and get back a podcast episode. I guess it could be useful if you read a lot of PDFs. Kind of niche. #

2024/06/13 #

Today’s links:

2024/06/12 #

Today’s links:

2024/06/10 #

Today’s links:

2024/06/09 #

Today’s links:

  • 04:58:00 +07:00 Who are the political supergroups in the European parliament? - It's good to see the main parties listed. I can't help but wonder how many regular folks turn off to the whole thing when they realise there are essentially parties inside parties, and none of the names really describe what they are very well. Politics is complicated already even when it's just 1 level of parties. How on earth are regular people supposed to compare and contrast and figure out what's going on with all this indirection? #

2024/06/07 #

Today’s links:

  • 14:57:00 +07:00 sanack/node-jq - Node.js wrapper for jq - a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. Could be #

  • 15:05:00 +07:00 In Praise Of The Basics - With web development it's important go understand the basics, whether you are an advanced developer or a user who wants to make some modifications to their Squarespace hosted website. This article list some free resources to get people up to speed, could be a good piece to keep handy in case you need something to send to friends, family or #

2024/06/05 #

Today’s links:

2024/06/04 #

Today’s links:

2024/06/03 #

Today’s links:

2024/06/02 #

Today’s links:

2024/06/01 #

Today’s links:

  • 12:45:00 +07:00 🚀 Latest Newsletter: Vibes, the Economy, Blogging and Freedom (Issue #166) #

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