

2024/06/21 #

  • The Framework Laptop 13 is about to become one of the world’s first RISC-V laptops - Mostly aimed at tinkerers abd hobbyists, it's a first step in getting it into the hands of developers. Interesting because RISC-V is fully open and free, nothing propriety, so anyone can use it. However this incarnation is quite under powered compared to regular current laptops. The good news is that with a Framework laptop that shouldn't matter that much. Since it's modular you can easily swap out the main board for something more powerful when you aren't hacking on RISC-V. Pretty cool. #

  • Perplexity Is a Bullshit Machine - Perplexity seems to be everywhere this week, multiple podcasts and articles. Reading this it seems they might be up to somewhat shady stuff but the whole article had this sort of flat nothing burger vibe about it. Perplexities answers and explanations often read like someone really struggling, just stuck between many rocks and hard places. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. A feeling I'm all too familiar with. Also I can't tell if it's an honest article or a hit piece. #

  • Threads API - I'm a bit suprised it took this long to release an API. I want to be able to auto-post new content from the website. Should be possible I guess. The tricky part is each social media has different character limits on posts. #

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