

The read later browser - I've written before about the terrible state of affairs for reading web content offline. The offline experience could be way way better.

This will likely sound bizare, especially in this day and age of super fast broadband, 5G and whatnot, but it occurs to me that many of the offline features I have in mind should be baked right into the browser. The browser should be written with it's primary use case to be offline reading. Everything else should be an enhancement to that, including having an internet connection.

The read later browser would be optimised for browsing the web with the aim of loading up on content that you will consune later while offline. If it was optimised for that, the offline experience could be incredible. Pages that you save would of course all be readable offline, including code snippets and images, but the browser would do smart things like automatically cache copies of all the linked pages in content you save. That alone would make the offline reading experience incredible. #

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