

2024/04/09 #

Yesterday evening in the middle of all the driveby gang stalking harrassnent, there was one that stood out:

"Ok animal!"

I guess it was a reference to my use of the term 'Ok boomer' yesterday. Well IMO that's very much a false equivalence. Ok animal is by definition literally dehumanizing, it says 'you are not even human', Ok boomer, though a bit of an insult, refers the official name for a particular generation cohort. Am I now to reprimand people for using the term Gen X?

Weird thing is that it was from a person of young adult age.

Anyway, it's just another example of the world having one set of rules for me, abd a totally different set of rules for everyone else. Everything I say is wrong. I cannot even.

Also a reminder that anyone can read your blog / RSS feed, even millenial motorbike gang stalkers.

BTW, millenials you have no idea how difficult it has been with the Boomers. #

Alan Moor via Jason Louve: "Young men used to go to sea when they wanted to get away from their family, go for adventure, make something of themselves in the big wide world. Now they try to become famous." #

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