

10:55:00 +07:00 Yesterday evening in the middle of all the driveby gang stalking harrassnent, there was one that stood out:

"Ok animal!"

I guess it was a reference to my use of the term 'Ok boomer' yesterday. Well IMO that's very much a false equivalence. Ok animal is by definition literally dehumanizing, it says 'you are not even human', Ok boomer, though a bit of an insult, refers the official name for a particular generation cohort. Am I now to reprimand people for using the term Gen X?

Weird thing is that it was from a person of young adult age.

Anyway, it's just another example of the world having one set of rules for me, abd a totally different set of rules for everyone else. Everything I say is wrong. I cannot even.

Also a reminder that anyone can read your blog / RSS feed, even millenial motorbike gang stalkers.

BTW, millenials you have no idea how difficult it has been with the Boomers. #

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