

2024/04/10 #

Okays are trending. I noticed all day yesterday that everywhere I went, there was a big trend in people saying 'Ok' whenever I responded to some harrassment. It was really noticeable. But it was also evident that there was a lot of people creating-the-problems-they-complain-about, since in order to say this they first had to provoke me.

Seems to be related to the Ok Boomer escallation. #

It's kind of wild that the EU fines that are being impossed on Apple are so big that there is talk that they might just leave the EU. Apparently the EU only represents 7% of total Apple revenue and the fines are more than 7%. Apple is a business after all, at some point if it's not profitable then that's what would happen.

It would create a lot of opportunity for european startups, but brings back memories of people having to smuggle in jeans to the Soviet Union.

Perhaps the EU is being a bit too self important here? #

There is a lot of talk that the EU has effectively excluded itself from the AI boom because of excessive regulation. #

People that say 'you learn' when other people realise that they have stolen their stuff does not in fact make everything OK.

You can't be a thief and just pretend to be a teacher when you get caught. But this happens. Whether it's the truth or not, it's a terrible alibi.

Stealing stuff in the name of teaching someone is still stealing. #

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