

2024/05/15 #

Great interview with Ryan Dahl inventor of NodeJS on podcast. His new project Deno is so very interesting. It's basically a much better NodeJS.

It's really interesting how he and his team are pushing it forward, with massive compatibility with both web APIs and CommonJS, JSR which is a better npm registry that is compatible with the OG npm registry and works with all the various runtimes, tools like deno-deploy to make deploying to cloud infrastruture super easy, as well as new cloud primitives like a kv store, an SQS type queue, and cronjobs.

It all sounds super incredible, but actually getting people to switch from nodejs seems like an impossible challenge. I hate to say it but it feels like it might turn into Perl 5, all be it one that actually works, and very well. Or perhaps they just need a few killer apps to be built on their stack. I really hope it succeeds. #

Is the whole Bitcoin and energy narative a big con?

Sure it sounds great now, with Bitcoin miners flexibility being used to help energy providers expand their infrastructure, bringing electricity to places that don't have it. But the productivity has to come from somewhere.

Isn't it the case that eventually the companies running the miners won't want to turn them off? Especially since miner revenue halves every 4 years. Surely we are just setting up a bug future arm wrestle between miners and energy companies?

Isn't teaming up miners with electricity providers a cruel anti-freedom insane idea long term? #

This week is shaping up to be another one of those starvation and thirst nightmares, where everything gets blocked and I get blamed for the horrible things being done to me. Once more into the brink. #

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