

Great interview with Ryan Dahl inventor of NodeJS on podcast. His new project Deno is so very interesting. It's basically a much better NodeJS.

It's really interesting how he and his team are pushing it forward, with massive compatibility with both web APIs and CommonJS, JSR which is a better npm registry that is compatible with the OG npm registry and works with all the various runtimes, tools like deno-deploy to make deploying to cloud infrastruture super easy, as well as new cloud primitives like a kv store, an SQS type queue, and cronjobs.

It all sounds super incredible, but actually getting people to switch from nodejs seems like an impossible challenge. I hate to say it but it feels like it might turn into Perl 5, all be it one that actually works, and very well. Or perhaps they just need a few killer apps to be built on their stack. I really hope it succeeds. #

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