

05:12:00 +07:00 Not much good sleep last night. A group of construction workers showed up in the other side of the street and proceeded to drill the ground all through the night. I'm not saying they are totally fake, but this exact thing happened a few months back. They would showup everytime harrassment was peaking and drill the same tiny spot in the ground. It was always the same lot. Eventually they disapeared for good when I pointed this out to them. Seems like they are back using the same old playbook. Likely they aren't all aware of it, but some of them are.

Also the new thing is to throw or leave 1/2 eaten food at or near me. Also half eat a tastey looking sandwich right in front of me, then throw the rest of it in the garbage. It's the worste most cruel food goading you can do. I bet they even think they are somehow doing me a favour. It always seems as though they have justified their poor behavior somehow to themselves.

Just another day. More starvation appears immonent. They gave been doing the whole cigarettes thing the past 24 hours. Empty packets left in places I go, people suddenly offering cigs. Last night someone even wedged a no smoking sign on a bench I sit. I haven't smoked for years. Just the world trying to blame me once again for the things it's doing to me.

Have to write the newsletter now. #

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