

2024/06/17 #

  • 05:28:00 +07:00 Unbelievably bad day of being constantly warpathed, starved and thirsted yesterday. I think I've traced it back to an incident at a food vendor around 2 days ago. Not a street stand, but a vendor operating out of the front of a actual house. I've been there many times before, they have always seemed nice. As I arrived and stood waiting to say what I wanted, the older chap that works there walked out front to attend to some food that was cooking.

    Before I had even said anything at all, he belched out at me 'Pay' with a strange smirk on his face. I had no idea what he was on about, perhaps he was having a bad day, I thought to myself. A few moments later the other slightly younger bloke asked if I wanted the take away dish I usually get, and I said yes and thank you. The other bloke then held up the coffee he was drinking and said 'coffee'. Then pointed at a coffee stand about 20 meters down the street, and uttered a somewhat malevolent and malicious sounding chuckle. I said that I don't drink coffee, which I don't. I then got the food and paid for it.

    I walked off down the street past the coffee stand, and shortly afterwards someone random started barking orders at me. 'Up!'. I was heading to a shop / caffee that I usually go to. The seating area is upstairs. Well basically ever since then that's when the tsunani of hate and ordering and general harrassment from the past few days started. And it's been rather epic, and not in a good way.

    Another manufactured situation to justify blamming me for everything again and again. Seems like it to me, especially since several of the harrassments since an athen, in totally different locations have involved people shouting 'Pay!' at me for absolutely no good reason that I could determine, even in places that had no shop or any commercial thing nearby.

    The food place btw is on the same street as the sandwich place that often creates problem situations that I've previously written about. There's something about that street, or perhaps it's just that here, every place eventually turns nasty. #

  • 09:28:00 +07:00 There was an interesting discussion around AI & LLMs in the latest All-in podcast. Turns out many researchers that work on various media related projects routinely use LLMs to gather information. That is a new development, but the interesting thing is that they often have multiple LLMs open and run the query through all of them, then cross reference results in order to spot mistakes and hallucinations. #

2024/06/16 #

  • 06:06:00 +07:00 Absolutely horrid night last night, with rain from around midnight, and at least an hour of which was quite a down pour It got pretty darn cold too. It only partially deterred the motorbike gang stalkers, with quite a lot of driveby harrassment still going on. Very cold hands this morning. #

  • 07:45:00 +07:00 Unmistakable yellow tsunami the past 3 days. It occurred to me as I walked to the internet place this morning that it was worth noting. Seems like that's being turned into a bit of a red tsunani given the configuration of things and people this morning. Just some more warpaths. I stand in the only way left to me, with my back to them. This morning's pleasant reminiscing of times gone by is over now, replaced by starvation and bullying. The glee in the air from some is palpable. #

2024/06/15 #

  • 04:23:00 +07:00 Politics campaigns vs Agile development manifesto. This is perhaps a case of every nail looking like a hammer, but it occurred to me earlier, isn’t politics just a very high level feature backlog?

    Doesn’t it just end up being devs vs testing trying to get features done, the devs government vs shadow testers, if you will.

    Why not just run the government like a software company? #

2024/06/14 #

  • 04:23:00 +07:00 Looks like I was right about my prediction of starvation and thirst. Lots of food goading and bullying from the gang stalkers. Everything is my fault again. They are digging up old graves, basically anything from the recent past where they feel they have been hard done by in some way. Nevermind that even in all those cases, the incidents they reference were situations they in some way caused in the previous bullying cycle.

    There is just no way to react that doesn't cause more bullying. That's why I say they are on the warpath because really what they are after is more war. Being on the warpath isn't necessarily a violent thing, often it's passive aggressive. There's nothing you as a victim can do. I imagine it's similar in that way to being gang raped. You just have to wait until it subsides, and hope you are still alive.

    They of course don't view it like that. For them they see it as essential learning that I must do and that they must administer. #

  • 04:38:00 +07:00 Exactly as I finished writing the previous note, a man on a motorbike, roughly late twenties / early thirties, drove up on a motorbike. He looked like a totally normal and respectable bloke. Appeared completely sober. He quietly tried to talk to me, and repeatedly pointed at my private parts. After an awkward conversation where I just said I didn't understand what he wanted, he got off the bike, crouched on front of me, putting his hand in my leg. I moved sideways so he was no longer in front of my private parts region, and calmly picked up his arm from my leg and moved it aside. He got on his bike and drove off.

    Now you might think this is just what happens sometimes, but I can tell you, it's not. This is very unusual, especially at this time in the morning. Most people are going to work. Also in the park yesterday mid-morning, a group of people using the public exercise equipment said loudly 'lonely' as I walked past. Also a couple of nights ago, a similar thing happened. That time it was most likely a lady boy that stopped on their motorbike with similar intentions.

    These incidents are all linked in some way. These type if things trend for a few days then usually subside. They are often accompanied by copious amounts of anger goading, and white tissues seem to be everywhere you go. It involves both men and women. Personally I see it as sexual harrassment being inflicted on me. No doubt these gang stalkers have a different read of the situation, likely it's all in some way my fault.

    They try to make you angry, then if you show pretty much any sign of reacting, they imply you need sexual relief, but it's them that are the sexual aggressors. And they do this as a group. It's all co-ordinared, and happens over many days. It's a well known pattern I've seen many times before.

    Worth noting that these sexual harrassment incidents almost always occur during periods where they are starving and thirsting me, as is the case this time. It's happened so many times before, though not recently. It's almost as if it's a new set of gang stalkers and they are going through their standard playbook. #

  • 05:11:00 +07:00 I hate writing about all this stuff, but that's what I'm experiencing at the minute. It sucks. I'd much rather be writing about tech and webdev.

    Perhaps the bullies are banking on the fact they think I won't talk about it, out of fear of embarrassment. But this sort of stuff doesn't embarass me at all. If I feel I'm being harrassed, I'm going to say so. And I definutely feel like I'm being harrassed.

    I wouldn't be suprised if these MFs actually want me to write about it, because in a weird way it's free advertising for them. Because this sort if harrassment doesn't happen if it isn't encouraged, and I've seen many signs it's encouraged by some westerners. This sort of stuff is so well organised, so second nature, there is for sure more going on behind the scenes. It's a very well trodden path. #

  • 12:32:00 +07:00 I've long been a listener of the Rest is History Podcast. The RIH guys consistently put out really great episodes, this week's newsletter features their recent piece covering the history of men's suits, which has a much more interesting history than you would expect. Anyhow they sometimes mention, and I've heard many others also mention, the Rest is Politics Podcast. Given that I found the recent EU elections quite interesting, this morning I figured I'd take the RIP Podcast for a spin.

    I'm not so into their unfortunate 3 letter acronym, especially seing as I'm currently being starved and thirsted for something somebody else did to me, and the gang stalkers have been jokingly (probably) harrassing me about my actual death. Anyway just listenned to the Labour vs Conservatives episode, as well as a recent Nigel Farage episode. I like it. The hosts, Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart, having been previously in politics themselves, are very knowledgeable, yet they don't necessarily have the same views as me. That's actually a good thing. It's interesting to hear different angles, different points of view.

    Btw it's not just UK politics, though that is somewhat of a focus, they had interesting stuff on US and South African politics on the episodes I listenned to.

    Looking forward to hearing more from this dynamic, pot buying duo. :) #

2024/06/13 #

  • 06:00:00 +07:00 The world appears to still be on the warpath from yet another manufactured incident that happened at a sandwich store. Same one that did it several times before. It seems I'm heading into more starvation and thirst punishment for the things that were done to me, so I'll likely have to prepare the newsletter early as these periods which happen all too often are often accompanied by access to running water and electricity being cut off. Food and water goading from the gang stalkers has already begun. There are also signs they are going to force me down an unsafe path that I don't want to go down. How strange that this sort of thing always happens during starvation and thirst episodes. What are the chances? #

  • 15:11:00 +07:00 I'm really curious about the podcasting 2.0 movement. It's a progression of the podcasting scene with revenue payment tools that use Bitcoin to give podcasters a new way to interact with their listeners. With the new tech, listeners can stream sats, which are small subdivisions of a Bitcoin, directly to the show podcasters. They can also send one off 'boosts'. It works really well for shows that have quite a lot of audience interaction.

    My current two favorites that use it are Citadel Dispatch Podcast and the Linux Unplugged Podcast. The Linux Unplugged guys have gotten especially into it, creating sound effects for different donation amounts. The sound effects are short film and TV clips. It creates a more intimate vibe with show insider jokes.

    To participste as a listener you need to listen using playback software that supports the new tech. One example I hear mentioned a lot is Fountain. Another I've heard mention is Podverse.

    I think these are great tools for audience participation / Q&A style show segments. Interested to hear about any other podcasts that are experimenting with this stuff. #

2024/06/12 #

  • 05:29:00 +07:00 What a day yesterday. So much headwind from the world. I decided to back off from merging the latest archives plugin everything page support, because I noticed some strange things on the website. After spending quite a bit of time looking into it, I'm glad I held off, despite massive pressures from the world around me to hurry up. It's difficult to put into words, and I know it sounds bizare, but there are times when the world smells blood, it suddenly knows you are in a precarious position, and situations will materialise around you that make you just want to get whatever you are doing done. That's shen mistakes are easily made, and you find yourself merging before everything is properly tested, and of course big problems often ensue.

    But choosing to wait and figure out what's going on properly also has a cost. The entire rest of yesterday I was punished again and again and again, everywherw I went. It made it hugely difficult to get to the core of the issue, but I think I managed to, and made some fixes. I tested it all in staging in the evening, it all looked good. And of course the same exact pattern from the previous night repeated. The world was pushing for me to continue and finish the work, to merge even though I was really tired from standing for many hours. Once again I decided to hold off until the morning, and once again that was followed by an angry world on the warpath.

    I've hardly had any sleep last night, motorbike gang stalkers and several strange situations through the night. What a coincidence that there would be a night of sleep depravation. If you walk into the trap, you get punished, if you avoid the trap, you get punished.

    Are you going to allow today world? Or are you yet again on the warpath? #

  • 05:46:00 +07:00 My ankles are massively swollen again. I guess it's all the standing I've been having to do to get the archives fixed. I only have internet when I'm standing up unfortunately. Plus, pins and needles in my legs last night because of the new restricted sleeping situation. Just so horrid. When are you going to give me a break world? #

  • 06:11:00 +07:00 By the way, forgot to mention, there was another clearly manufactured incident at one of the sandwich shops yesterday morning. They did the old one person that always gets my order right, remembers the garnishes I don't like, taking my order, then the other bloke, who always purposely gets the order wrong and sometimes turns into a total sandwich nazi, actually making the sandwich. It was quite clearly a planned switcharoo, and of course he got my order wrong, and I had to open the sandwich up in front of him and take out the disgusting stuff. Anyway, that was no doubt grounds for the bullying that ensued the entire rest of the day. And guess what, when I left the sandwich shop, crossed the road, and on the otherside there was a street vendor parked right there, seemed very intent on looking at me, as I passed him he said his line that he'd obviously been waiting to utter: "my dog". How uterly vietnanese charming and on brand for this place. #

2024/06/11 #

  • 05:38:00 +07:00 I've got the everything page archives working in staging yesterday. All pages appear to be correctly generated and the links on the pages all point to the right places. The everything page archives are genetated from a merged data source so individual items are in various locations. That makes it more complicated the get the urls right. But I found a way to do it, and it appears to work.

    I decided to wait until today to merge the new code because I was already very tired from standing for so many hours. I still only have internet while standing up at the minute. My ankles are quite swollen today, that's likely because of all the work on the archives over the past few days, but it could be related to the much more difficult sleeping arrangement the world forced me into last week. It's difficult to tell.

    In any case, hoping to have the archives all working and deployed later today. They will probably need a bit of re-arranging of things on the main website, but I'll get to that once it's all deployed. #

  • 06:54:00 +07:00 Well the plan to merge and deploy the latest archives plugin has been derailed. As I set off for the internet place, I could sense a warpath brewing in the air. I got to the corner where the soup stand is and sure enough as I crossed the road from the ether emerged a random voice shouting 'more ah!'. That's typucally not a good sign. I calmly notes that it sounded like a warpath and continued on my way.

    At the internet place, there were much nore people than usual at this early time, it was about 6am. Started getting ready to do the merge. Noticed that yesterday's posts hadn't been deployed, even though the midnight build has successfully conpleted. I've been debugging that for the past 40 minutes.

    Looks like the build completed but the deploy got stuck wasting 25 build minutes, and eventually completing without error, though the logs show that the deploy did in fact error, and did not deploy the latest build.

    It's not a good omen. I can almost sense a disturbence in all around me. It’s like I’m being pressured into starting the meege, but I'm already tired now.

    Feeks like the world is going to keep escallating no matter what I do.

    Someone literally as I type this note, just flicked a cigarette butt in my direction. Landed a meter from my feet.

    I guess the world is in fact on another warpath. What a suprise, guess I'll be having to yet again handle another tsunami of hate, as everything gets blamed on me for the millionth time. #

  • 07:16:00 +07:00 Definitely need to pause the merge. Just noticed the everything page is broken in both staging and production. It's only displaying notes, no blog posts, no links. It's not clear to me why this happened, especially not in production. Production should normally be using a cached version of all the modules, so any changes in staging should absolutely not affect production, and I haven't refreshed the cache in production. #

2024/06/10 #

  • 05:42:00 +07:00 I've made some progress yesterday on getting the archives working for the everything page, though I had to do a lot of housekeeping of the code initially.

    The test data wasn't created with merged data sources in mind, so it wasn't really a good data set for testing the everything page since the different post type examples were on different days. There was also a bunch of EJS syntax in them which was just confusing things. So I spent quite a bit of time updating the data to something that shows the everything page in action.

    The npm module cache started doing strange things again. I was able to prove it wasn't getting updated correctly. Ultimately it was blocking me from using new code in plugins. I refactored the cache refresh logic so it's easier to clear the cache, but in the end the only thing that fixed it was tediously deleting all cache items by hand one by one in the Github web UI. That's not normal. The cache is keyed off of a hash of the package-lock.json. If that changes, and it should everytime something changes in the npm modules, then a new cache should be created. It's either the cache, or npm isn't updating lock files correctly.

    Anyway, hoping to be able to test the latest archives plugin code today, which should hopefully create a merged data source and correctly handle adding the right urls to the page, so individual items from different sources are correctly referenced. Let's hope the cache doesn't cause any more issues, I've used up a little over half of this month's build minutes so far.

    Update: The midnight build for whatever reason got stuck deploying to the hosting provider. The job completed without erroring, but in the logs there was a single error line outputed. The newly built site didn't get deployed either.

    TimeoutError: Timeout while waiting for deploy

    I'm adding this update to trigger a build to deploy the site. Another totally unnecessary waste of 25 build minutes when I'm already almost run out. #

2024/06/09 #

  • 04:35:00 +07:00 Sadly the world is on the war path yet again. As far as I can tell it started at a soup stand yesterday morning. They were being weird as I ordered the soup and paid, then as I left there someone loudly said 'pay'. I had already paid and they knew very well that I'd already paid. I continued on my way. The entire rest of the day, escallation after escallation after escallation, and things getting blocked, literally everywhere I went. All through the night gang stalkers have been waking me up by shouting 'lie'. One of their favorite things, you can almost see the glee oozing out of their pores as they do it.

    The lady doth protest a bit too much, me thinks.

    Once again, they create the problem they complain about, they block the solution they suggest, and eventually they just blame everything on you. This will continue until everyone is unhappy about everything, then they will blame the unhappiness on me too. Instructing me to be happy.

    But it doesn't matter what you do, happy or sad, standing up or sitting down, saying something or not saying anything, it doesn't matter, you'll get the blame, and very likely you'll get mutilated in some way, and someone will shout 'learn' at you. Either way that's what happens.

    Blaming me for blaming me. Literally blaming me for the thing they are doing to me. #

  • 05:07:00 +07:00 I think I might have made some progress with the everything page archives. I changed where I merge the data sources, essentially it's just another data source like all the others. Previously I had special cased it because I hadn't been able to create the merged data source in the standard way, but I gave it another try and got the promises to resolve correctly.

    I'll be testing the archives using this combined data source later today. I'm expecting it to render the pages correctly but with incorrect urls in the pages in some places. Very conscious of not wasting build minutes. That's easy enough when I'm testing it in just the archives plugin, but as soon as I attempt to test it on the main website, which has the npm module cache, things tend to get very confusing, and each mistake eats up massive amounts of build minutes. And sometimes the cache appears to just not clear properly. Anyway, here we go again. #

  • 11:49:00 +07:00 Mark Russinovich CTO of Azure:

    By the way, I’ve been using AI a ton for programming, for these AI projects, and I can tell you, we’re not at risk any time soon of loosing our jobs. I mean I’ve spent so much time debugging AI buggy code. And then trying to "you did it wrong, you introduced a variable and there is no declaration for it"…"oh I’m sorry"…"you still didn’t do it". (31:00)

  • 11:49:00 +07:00 Surely the problem with re-enforcement learning, is that at some point, instead of learning the problem being taught, the AI will go meta and start learning the re-enforcement learning, because that's the most obvious re-occurring pattern. Then it's just two entities teaching each other to teach while pretending to be doing something else. And presumably the AI will eventually win that war since it can do much cleverer, and devious re-enforcements than the human. Then civilisational collapse ensues. #

  • 13:31:00 +07:00 Vietnam: Warpath warpath warpath warpath warpath warpath warpath warpath warpath warpath

    Me: Are you on the warpath again?

    Vietnam: Warpath lie #

  • 13:31:00 +07:00 Me: Are you still on the warpath?

    Vietnam: Warpath #

2024/06/07 #

  • 05:20:00 +07:00 I've started work on getting the archives rendering for the everything page. Though the everything page is looking great, when you click through to individual days, since there are no archives, you get a 404. It's a little bit tricky with the everything page because the page gets created by merging all the individual data sources. What this means is that the location of the canonical page for a particular post item are in different places. So you have to have a way to figure out the URL.

    Anyway, I'm going to be working on that for the next few days. I have to be careful with build minutes, I've already used up half of this months minutes. The other thing I could work on is reusabke wirkflows which could make the build minutes issue easier to deal with. But if I do that then the everything page will likely not have archives until next month. It's tough balancing all this stuff. #

  • 14:39:00 +07:00 When you build big important things you generally start with a small prototype first. With that in mind, why don't we create super intelligent, fir example, squirels before super intelligent humans? How many people would even be happy with the idea of super intelligent squirels? I'm not sure I'm okay with it. If we aren't happy with superintelligent squirels, why are we happy with superintelligent AIs? #

  • 14:46:00 +07:00 It's Friday and looking at the list of podcasts I've starred this week, and I've only started 2 items. I have listened to quite a few. Not sure what I'll do for the newsletter tomorrow. #

  • 14:54:00 +07:00 In this age of AI, how long until 'learn' becomes the new C-word? #

2024/06/06 #

  • 06:16:00 +07:00 The world has re-configured itself again while I wasn't looking. Without getting into details, sleeping just got a whole lot more difficult. Really not what you want in the middle of rainy season. I wouldn't be suprised if the bullies where measuring out my coffin as I type this.

    I hate writing about this stuff, but that's reality for me at the minute. If I didn't write about it that would be disingenuous. Of course, I imagine it doesn't help much with trying to find a job, to get out of the nightmare caused by COVID. Such are the contradictions at times in life. #

  • 07:53:00 +07:00 Just another inconsequential data point.

    I'm standing browsing the internet at the internet place. People are having breakfast coffees at the next door cafes. Chitter chatter is ongoing. At the very instant I'm about to finish up, a man in one of the cafes loudly and repeatedly says the exact name of the noodles I got gifted from a food vendor yesterday. It's very odd, not only because of the timing, but also because these cafes don't have food. There are no food places nearby. Is it intimidation? Is it some sort of strange help? Is it both?

    This type of thing is happening constantly here. Literally everywhere I go, random people seem to know my business, with uncanny precision. Is it harrassment? Pretty sure it would be considered some form of it back in europe.

    It's so impossible to describe the strange things that happen here. Figured I'd write this one up into a note. #

  • 08:09:00 +07:00 Just to add to the previous note, because since finishing writing it, mildly thretening passive aggresive behaviour from one of the locals as he walks up and down the lane past me. Historically it's a pattern of behaviour I've been on the receiving end from him many times before. This morning it included a clear reference to last night's sleep depravation re-configuratiom which I mentioned earlier. This sort of escallation is happening constantly. #

  • 14:40:00 +07:00 One of the greatest things about long form podcasting is that you get these magic little moments that pop up out of the ether.

    In his latest episode talking with Tony Hinchcliffe, Rogan makes a somewhat unexpected comparison.

    Sure in the run up to the election, Trump was talking about locking Hilary up because of her emails, but he never actually went after the opposition legally. Yet the democrats have done exactly that while claiming that Trump is the crazy one, the loose cannon.

    They are all crazy, that’s what they don’t want you to know. It’s like sluts that are always talking bad about other girls that are sluts." [01:13:00]

    The thing that really makes this one pop is Rogan’s reaction to himself, realising in real-time that he just totally nailed it. Instant classic IMO. #

2024/06/05 #

  • 05:13:00 +07:00 Dear iOS,

    Please stop auto-correcting 'some' to 'sone', which isn’t even a word, and it’s most definitely much less common than 'some'. You do it constantly.

    Thank you & kind regards, Mark #

  • 05:18:00 +07:00 According to Anatoly Yakovenko, the goal for the Solana L1 is to be able to support the entire world. 10M transactions per second: 100 transactions per person, per second, per day. That's a lot of transactions. #

  • 09:54:00 +07:00 There's an interesting developer related segment on the latest Rabbit Hole recap Podcast. Matt and Marty comment on Peter MacCormack's recent Michael Saylor interview, and they go on to talk about being bitcoin conservative, open source development & funding, protocol changes, maintenance, the need for an ethical path for devs, and the scary prospect of shitcoiners funding bitcoin development (~00:50:00). Worth a listen if you are interested in Bitcoin tech and development. #

  • 10:03:00 +07:00 It's election season in the EU, and I've noticed lots of articles in the main stream media. Perhaps I'm just reading the Guardian too much, but it seems to have peaked an interest in the UK.

    After all the Brexit stuff, and especially with a large majority of young folks being quite annoyed about the whole debacle, is the Uk getting interested in EU elections? That would be quite an ironic turn of events. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

    Could also be because the EU elections are IMO actually turning out to be genuinely interesting this time around.

    I'd love to know how to get a representative read of the situation. #

  • 10:35:00 +07:00 I thought this was an interesting quote from the recent article about Bilderberg:

    Time magazine has dubbed Ukraine "an AI war lab", and the Economist agrees, describing it as "a testing ground for companies like Anduril and Palantir" – the heads of both of these defense tech companies are here in Madrid.

    That hadn't occurred to me before, because the scale of war is just so big. But of course, some things you just can't test in staging, and that's even more the case for something like war. The point is that it's worth remembering that lots of people actually want the war in Ukraine to continue. It's very convenient for some.

    And it's likely a general thing, that if a horrible situatiom persists for far longer than seems normal, there's often an incentive disalignment. It might not be immediately obvious, but likely that some people are benefitting from the misery of others. #

  • 11:59:00 +07:00 I was thinking about which online communities I spend most of my time with. In no particular order, I'd say these broadly are the following: Linux, Webdev, Tech, Bitcoin, Music, Out There Stuff.

    I have to say, it's mostly reading at this stage. I don't actively participate in chats, forums, discord groups etc. That's mostly down to lack of time. But I would like to be a bit more connected into these in the future.

    In the past, many of my attempts to connect have been rebuffed. Maybe that will change in the future, really wish that could happen in some way. I guess I'm not very good at it.

    I've been online for 25 years at this point, still no real friends though. You would think that it would be a possibility. #

2024/06/04 #

  • 14:34:00 +07:00 Cory Doctorow used to work in VFX. I had no idea. The company in question was Alias Wavefront. Skim through the Wikipedia page and you will see they created the Maya software, which is the standard for 3D modeling throughout the VFX industries. Pretty cool. #

2024/06/03 #

  • 14:21:00 +07:00 As tech gets better as we head into infinity, how do we educate people to the fact that they can be tricked, and bigly? And keep doing it generation after generation? When people only really learn these things by experience. #

  • 14:23:00 +07:00 With AI we are modelling the way the brain works. But the brain is essentially analogue, neurons aren’t either on or off, they can be a little bit on. How will digital models ever really recreate an analogue process? Maybe that will, in the end be the difference between human and artificial intelligence. #

  • 15:12:00 +07:00 Another fascinating factoid from Lex's podcast with memory researcher and expert Charan Ranganath:

    The act of recalling memories can strengthen or distort the memory depending on environment conditions at the time, but also can have an effect on memories that you didn’t even recall! Memory is more like an ecosystem.

    That's so frigging strange. How did we ever get this far with such a weird thinking apparatus! #

2024/06/02 #

  • 05:18:00 +07:00 Lots of harrassment the past 24 hours. I've been ignoring it completely, without saying a thing. I'm just so sick of having to react to every gif darn mood swing the big cry babies have. But predictably, it slowly gets worse when you do that. The escallations are literally worse than if you reply in some way. Catch 22, because then you get blamed for that. Literally any opportunity to blame you for something is created, cultuvated and exploited. #

  • 05:26:00 +07:00 I got the daily links section in articles working yesterday in the blog plugin, which is pretty cool. It looks good, though I win't know for sure until I try it with production data. I tried deploying it in staging on the main website, but there's something blocking.

    It looks like the new code isn't being picked up for some reason. Tried reseting the cache several times. No dice. Also tried turning off the cache completely. Still no dice. Really strange because with no cache and fresh install of all modules, the latest version of all plugins should be picked up. #

2024/06/01 #

  • 05:12:00 +07:00 Not much good sleep last night. A group of construction workers showed up in the other side of the street and proceeded to drill the ground all through the night. I'm not saying they are totally fake, but this exact thing happened a few months back. They would showup everytime harrassment was peaking and drill the same tiny spot in the ground. It was always the same lot. Eventually they disapeared for good when I pointed this out to them. Seems like they are back using the same old playbook. Likely they aren't all aware of it, but some of them are.

    Also the new thing is to throw or leave 1/2 eaten food at or near me. Also half eat a tastey looking sandwich right in front of me, then throw the rest of it in the garbage. It's the worste most cruel food goading you can do. I bet they even think they are somehow doing me a favour. It always seems as though they have justified their poor behavior somehow to themselves.

    Just another day. More starvation appears immonent. They gave been doing the whole cigarettes thing the past 24 hours. Empty packets left in places I go, people suddenly offering cigs. Last night someone even wedged a no smoking sign on a bench I sit. I haven't smoked for years. Just the world trying to blame me once again for the things it's doing to me.

    Have to write the newsletter now. #

  • 05:12:00 +07:00 On a more positive note, I think I'm pretty close to getting the links on the everything page into their own little footer section on each article. I spent all day yesterday trying to find a bug in an EJS template. Absolute nightmare to track down because the stack trace gives no details of where the error occurs.

    A bit of googling revealed it was likely related to missing EJS closing tags. I spent all day adjusting indentation of the template, splitting the template into multiple templates, bisecting the template, striping it down to a shell, then painstakingly adding blocks back one at a time, in order to find the bug.

    Turns out I was looking for slightly the wrong thing. It wasn't a tag closing problem, it was a for loop problem. I had introduced 2 new for loops but somehow mistakenly typed the opening curly as a semi-colon.

    for(var i = 0; i < blah; i++);

    instead of

    for(var i = 0; i < blah; i++) {

    Note: in the real code both statements are wrapped in EJS opening and closing tags. I can't add those in this post because then the EJS renderer will mistakenly try to render the EJS in the example snippet, and error. Not sure how to escape that at this point, so just not including it. You'll have to use your imagination.

    So anyway, visually very difficult to see the bug, especially because I was looking for problems with closing EJS tags, which is right next to it. The advice from the internet was quite literally hiding the actual problem. Somehow the bug was resulting in the same error as a missing closing tag. So that's fixed.

    I've added a bunch of debug logging too, so hopefully at some point today I'll have the links displaying correctly. #

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