

2024/06/14 #

Looks like I was right about my prediction of starvation and thirst. Lots of food goading and bullying from the gang stalkers. Everything is my fault again. They are digging up old graves, basically anything from the recent past where they feel they have been hard done by in some way. Nevermind that even in all those cases, the incidents they reference were situations they in some way caused in the previous bullying cycle.

There is just no way to react that doesn't cause more bullying. That's why I say they are on the warpath because really what they are after is more war. Being on the warpath isn't necessarily a violent thing, often it's passive aggressive. There's nothing you as a victim can do. I imagine it's similar in that way to being gang raped. You just have to wait until it subsides, and hope you are still alive.

They of course don't view it like that. For them they see it as essential learning that I must do and that they must administer. #

Exactly as I finished writing the previous note, a man on a motorbike, roughly late twenties / early thirties, drove up on a motorbike. He looked like a totally normal and respectable bloke. Appeared completely sober. He quietly tried to talk to me, and repeatedly pointed at my private parts. After an awkward conversation where I just said I didn't understand what he wanted, he got off the bike, crouched on front of me, putting his hand in my leg. I moved sideways so he was no longer in front of my private parts region, and calmly picked up his arm from my leg and moved it aside. He got on his bike and drove off.

Now you might think this is just what happens sometimes, but I can tell you, it's not. This is very unusual, especially at this time in the morning. Most people are going to work. Also in the park yesterday mid-morning, a group of people using the public exercise equipment said loudly 'lonely' as I walked past. Also a couple of nights ago, a similar thing happened. That time it was most likely a lady boy that stopped on their motorbike with similar intentions.

These incidents are all linked in some way. These type if things trend for a few days then usually subside. They are often accompanied by copious amounts of anger goading, and white tissues seem to be everywhere you go. It involves both men and women. Personally I see it as sexual harrassment being inflicted on me. No doubt these gang stalkers have a different read of the situation, likely it's all in some way my fault.

They try to make you angry, then if you show pretty much any sign of reacting, they imply you need sexual relief, but it's them that are the sexual aggressors. And they do this as a group. It's all co-ordinared, and happens over many days. It's a well known pattern I've seen many times before.

Worth noting that these sexual harrassment incidents almost always occur during periods where they are starving and thirsting me, as is the case this time. It's happened so many times before, though not recently. It's almost as if it's a new set of gang stalkers and they are going through their standard playbook. #

I hate writing about all this stuff, but that's what I'm experiencing at the minute. It sucks. I'd much rather be writing about tech and webdev.

Perhaps the bullies are banking on the fact they think I won't talk about it, out of fear of embarrassment. But this sort of stuff doesn't embarass me at all. If I feel I'm being harrassed, I'm going to say so. And I definutely feel like I'm being harrassed.

I wouldn't be suprised if these MFs actually want me to write about it, because in a weird way it's free advertising for them. Because this sort if harrassment doesn't happen if it isn't encouraged, and I've seen many signs it's encouraged by some westerners. This sort of stuff is so well organised, so second nature, there is for sure more going on behind the scenes. It's a very well trodden path. #

I've long been a listener of the Rest is History Podcast. The RIH guys consistently put out really great episodes, this week's newsletter features their recent piece covering the history of men's suits, which has a much more interesting history than you would expect. Anyhow they sometimes mention, and I've heard many others also mention, the Rest is Politics Podcast. Given that I found the recent EU elections quite interesting, this morning I figured I'd take the RIP Podcast for a spin.

I'm not so into their unfortunate 3 letter acronym, especially seing as I'm currently being starved and thirsted for something somebody else did to me, and the gang stalkers have been jokingly (probably) harrassing me about my actual death. Anyway just listenned to the Labour vs Conservatives episode, as well as a recent Nigel Farage episode. I like it. The hosts, Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart, having been previously in politics themselves, are very knowledgeable, yet they don't necessarily have the same views as me. That's actually a good thing. It's interesting to hear different angles, different points of view.

Btw it's not just UK politics, though that is somewhat of a focus, they had interesting stuff on US and South African politics on the episodes I listenned to.

Looking forward to hearing more from this dynamic, pot buying duo. :) #

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