

I hate writing about all this stuff, but that's what I'm experiencing at the minute. It sucks. I'd much rather be writing about tech and webdev.

Perhaps the bullies are banking on the fact they think I won't talk about it, out of fear of embarrassment. But this sort of stuff doesn't embarass me at all. If I feel I'm being harrassed, I'm going to say so. And I definutely feel like I'm being harrassed.

I wouldn't be suprised if these MFs actually want me to write about it, because in a weird way it's free advertising for them. Because this sort if harrassment doesn't happen if it isn't encouraged, and I've seen many signs it's encouraged by some westerners. This sort of stuff is so well organised, so second nature, there is for sure more going on behind the scenes. It's a very well trodden path. #

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