

12:32:00 +07:00 I've long been a listener of the Rest is History Podcast. The RIH guys consistently put out really great episodes, this week's newsletter features their recent piece covering the history of men's suits, which has a much more interesting history than you would expect. Anyhow they sometimes mention, and I've heard many others also mention, the Rest is Politics Podcast. Given that I found the recent EU elections quite interesting, this morning I figured I'd take the RIP Podcast for a spin.

I'm not so into their unfortunate 3 letter acronym, especially seing as I'm currently being starved and thirsted for something somebody else did to me, and the gang stalkers have been jokingly (probably) harrassing me about my actual death. Anyway just listenned to the Labour vs Conservatives episode, as well as a recent Nigel Farage episode. I like it. The hosts, Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart, having been previously in politics themselves, are very knowledgeable, yet they don't necessarily have the same views as me. That's actually a good thing. It's interesting to hear different angles, different points of view.

Btw it's not just UK politics, though that is somewhat of a focus, they had interesting stuff on US and South African politics on the episodes I listenned to.

Looking forward to hearing more from this dynamic, pot buying duo. :) #

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