

Looks like I was right about my prediction of starvation and thirst. Lots of food goading and bullying from the gang stalkers. Everything is my fault again. They are digging up old graves, basically anything from the recent past where they feel they have been hard done by in some way. Nevermind that even in all those cases, the incidents they reference were situations they in some way caused in the previous bullying cycle.

There is just no way to react that doesn't cause more bullying. That's why I say they are on the warpath because really what they are after is more war. Being on the warpath isn't necessarily a violent thing, often it's passive aggressive. There's nothing you as a victim can do. I imagine it's similar in that way to being gang raped. You just have to wait until it subsides, and hope you are still alive.

They of course don't view it like that. For them they see it as essential learning that I must do and that they must administer. #

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