

I've got the everything page archives working in staging yesterday. All pages appear to be correctly generated and the links on the pages all point to the right places. The everything page archives are genetated from a merged data source so individual items are in various locations. That makes it more complicated the get the urls right. But I found a way to do it, and it appears to work.

I decided to wait until today to merge the new code because I was already very tired from standing for so many hours. I still only have internet while standing up at the minute. My ankles are quite swollen today, that's likely because of all the work on the archives over the past few days, but it could be related to the much more difficult sleeping arrangement the world forced me into last week. It's difficult to tell.

In any case, hoping to have the archives all working and deployed later today. They will probably need a bit of re-arranging of things on the main website, but I'll get to that once it's all deployed. #

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