

2024/06/07 #

I've started work on getting the archives rendering for the everything page. Though the everything page is looking great, when you click through to individual days, since there are no archives, you get a 404. It's a little bit tricky with the everything page because the page gets created by merging all the individual data sources. What this means is that the location of the canonical page for a particular post item are in different places. So you have to have a way to figure out the URL.

Anyway, I'm going to be working on that for the next few days. I have to be careful with build minutes, I've already used up half of this months minutes. The other thing I could work on is reusabke wirkflows which could make the build minutes issue easier to deal with. But if I do that then the everything page will likely not have archives until next month. It's tough balancing all this stuff. #

When you build big important things you generally start with a small prototype first. With that in mind, why don't we create super intelligent, fir example, squirels before super intelligent humans? How many people would even be happy with the idea of super intelligent squirels? I'm not sure I'm okay with it. If we aren't happy with superintelligent squirels, why are we happy with superintelligent AIs? #

It's Friday and looking at the list of podcasts I've starred this week, and I've only started 2 items. I have listened to quite a few. Not sure what I'll do for the newsletter tomorrow. #

In this age of AI, how long until 'learn' becomes the new C-word? #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.