

Weather alright last night, no storms, doesn't feel too cold this morning. Custer-f of a day synchronicity-wise. The hive mind is really going for me in a big way. It's been bad before but this is next level stuff. At times it's second by second, person after person, and it creates a huge traffic jam of race conditions, where everyone, or a lot of people, are speeding up then slowing things down with yah's and woah's, and all it's variants. I've never seen it this bad before. I've been calmly saying 'infiniti no' to it all, which does seem to aggrevate things but I am able to remain mostly very calm.

There were a few cases yesterday where some groups clearly tried to escallate to physical violence, and wanted me to know they did. As I left the internet place to get some breakfast, someone shouted out 'ow!' loudly, this was repeated in the park as I walked through it. When I got to the sweat breads stand something felt off, there was a small gang of blokes standing right before him that were talking but their attention was on me. Just as I got to the street vendor a motorbike passing by drove way way to close to me, right into one of my bags, and wouldn't you know it, he was heading right to the small gang who were all at this stage hidding laughter. The bloke driving the mororbike included. At the next food vendor where I bought a take away meal the bloke that I paid to receive the food clearly said 'ow!' at some point. He was the bloke that manufactured a 'Pay!' incident cascade last week all around a coffee that he was drinking that I had absolutely nothing to do with, yet was turned into a series of escallations over the next few days. That eventually calmed down but actually now that I think about it, the day before yesterday there was another one of those, seemingly unsuccesful because I 'infiniti no'’d it, and that hasn’t spread through to everyone.

I wrote up a few of these bullying cascades yesterday, maybe I'll publish something later today, they are quite illustrative. I'm still being mostly starved and thirsted though I was gifted a chicken and rice meal last night.

The big theme this morning is people yah'ing like it's going out of fashion, from joggers running past, to security guards, to people on mororbikes. Total cluster fuck. This sort of behaviour is really counter productive IMO, because even if you target one person, which clearly happens, all the random people around still hear it, so there is a blast radius, and some of those people will think they are being targeted, or just that it’s today's thing or whatever, and soon enough you get a chain reaction and it‘s a total cluster fuck everywhere. It's happening constantly at a low level, and while it does fuck things up, people absorb it reasonably well, even if it’s a complete waste of resources. But today and yesterday it’s reached new levels and it’s just chaos and dysfunction everywhere. #

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