

My read on the political situation in France, based on what I've read, and there's a big chance I have this wrong cause I know even less about French politics than English politics. The left coalition is a sort of a motley crue of folks from across the left spectrum, whereas the right party really is mostly quite far right, and the center party is sort of innefective and a bit wimpy. Oddly the left might have the most diversity in opinion and thus pro-democracy, but that might not be what you think is needed depending on where you live.

I wonder whether many would like to vote for pro-democracy lets-hold-hands-around-the-camp-fire left coalition, but given their situation, where so many tensions and so many things need sorting out, feel they have to vote right to even get to a world where such a thing like a left coalition even makes sense.

Potentially quite a dangerous slippery slope situation. #

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