

I thought this was an interesting quote from the recent article about Bilderberg:

Time magazine has dubbed Ukraine "an AI war lab", and the Economist agrees, describing it as "a testing ground for companies like Anduril and Palantir" – the heads of both of these defense tech companies are here in Madrid.

That hadn't occurred to me before, because the scale of war is just so big. But of course, some things you just can't test in staging, and that's even more the case for something like war. The point is that it's worth remembering that lots of people actually want the war in Ukraine to continue. It's very convenient for some.

And it's likely a general thing, that if a horrible situatiom persists for far longer than seems normal, there's often an incentive disalignment. It might not be immediately obvious, but likely that some people are benefitting from the misery of others. #

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