

Pretty sure I'm going to run out of build minutes entirely today or tomorrow, which will mean no way to publish to the website for the rest of the month. I'll still be able to blog locally and sync it up later but it's difficult to stay enthusiastic when that happens because it feels like all the effort put in to write blog posts, links and what not, will get even more missed by everyone.

I'll probably spend some time refactoring code, but again you don't want to get too far ahead of yourself without being able to test anything, because that leads to problems when you finally can run builds again.

I wish I had a way to render the site locally. Currently I only have the markdown files and searching through them is really lousy. Too slow and doesn't hardly ever find what you want. At least if I had a copy of the website, blogging locally for a couple of weeks would still be useful to me in the current moment. The only way I can think to do it would be to run node usibg WebAssembly in the browser, but that's way too complicated at the minute. #

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