

Another somewhat rainy night last night, not quite as cold though. More sleep depravation from the gang stalkers. They finished their onslaught this time with a driveby 'we learn'. Well why an I always having to pay for their learning? I can't even afford food and water much of the time. Something doesn't add up.

But instead I get blamed. The current bad thing that they are incinuating seems to be that I'm doing drugs. Totally false. Small zip lock baggies are appearing everywhere I go. There was another strange incident at a food stand yesterday. Once again a woman was just standing there waiting, supposedly a customer, but her and the food vendor behaved very strangely. They seemed to be overly focussed on what I was doing, like they were waiting for me to do something. It felt very much like all the incidents the past two weeks where people were offering to pay for my food, which I wrote about.

They only got on with getting my food order when I stepped back away from the food stand. And guess what the sauce for the food was in? A small plastic zip lock baggie. Oh and another guess what, a huge uptick in police walkbys yesterday morning. There must have been about 10 walkbyes within just a few hours. Very unusual.

This has happened before several times. They are just cycling through their playbook at this stage. I always end up getting mutilated in some way, like the unprovoked assault a few days ago. One wonders whether my blog post about the Lib Dem's policy on cannabis might have triggered this new wave of blame. Yet it might also have been a conversation I had with a westerner a few days ago where the topic came up in conversation, it was around weed shops in the US.

Last week it was about stealing food. This week it's drugs. Next week it will be something else. They are always looking for something to blame me with. They only help when they can blame. Nevermind that they caused me to get stuck here in the first place. #

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