

A followup from the earlier writeup. Rough notes very lightly edited because it's really tough writting about this stuff.

First there was the man this morning thanking me for no reason. A short while later, another food vendor fake customer incident, imo linked to the 'yah woah' surge from last 24 hours. As I arrived at the food stand he shouted out 'liar' in my direction. I calmy replied after a few moments something to the effect of 'it’s the world that is the liar, it speeds people up just to slow them down again' and smiled. Intended as a light hearted comment about the human experience.

The fake customer then tried to pretend offer to pay for my food. He very clearly said 'I pay' and pointed at my food, which incidentally I never ordered, the vendor had pre-pared it without asking me. I always get the same thing so she knew what I wanted. Still though she never asked me. Now I've had this trick played on me several times the past few weeks. I've written about it many times. I asked him why he was lying, why he was trying to create a problem for me, why he was pretending to pay for my food. He suddenly had nothing to say. I said 'you’re the biggest liar in the world'. The food vendor also had a very sheepish look on her face. I calmly told her she was lying too, calmly paid and calmly walked away.

A bit further down the street I said out load 'stop trying to trick people everybody', to which there was an immediate reply from an anonymous female voice in the crowd 'Thank you'. Gee what are the chances. I guess now I'm the bad guy for something else.

That was followed by another fake customer situation at the next food vendor. The male food vendor this time, took issue with me, repeatedly loudly saying Lie! Lie! Lie! Lie! as he prepared my food. I calmly said, he was the one lying after he gave me the wrong sauce. The sauce was warm btw, that’s unusual and is likely another warpath.

There's been several subsequent incidents at the shop / cafe I am sitting at writting this note. All from apparent customers, who incesently are calling each other liars, or telling each other they are lying, but really it's obvious it's aimed at me, and of course it's all hilarious as far as they are concerned.

I've kept my cool through it all. And each time I said nope 'I'm not lying, you are', they have been getting extremely adgitated.

Also a young person, who seemed nice enough, asking me lots of personal questions, which is quite unusual. I tried to answer his questions as best I could, but very conscious that whatever I say will be turned against me by some. Having public conversations with personal information like this doesn't usually end particularly well in my experience.

And guess what, after being polite and answering his questions, he walked off back to his friends saying 'he’s such a good liar'. I guess my hesitation and awkwardness didn't meet his Gestapo-like high standards. I had to once again say into the void that they were the liars not me. And remind them that if I answer the questions they fuck me, and if I don't answer the questions they fuck me. Either way I end up getting mutilated.

Just another tsunami of escallations. Doesn't matter what you do, eventually you get mutilated. #

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