

04:35:00 +07:00 Sadly the world is on the war path yet again. As far as I can tell it started at a soup stand yesterday morning. They were being weird as I ordered the soup and paid, then as I left there someone loudly said 'pay'. I had already paid and they knew very well that I'd already paid. I continued on my way. The entire rest of the day, escallation after escallation after escallation, and things getting blocked, literally everywhere I went. All through the night gang stalkers have been waking me up by shouting 'lie'. One of their favorite things, you can almost see the glee oozing out of their pores as they do it.

The lady doth protest a bit too much, me thinks.

Once again, they create the problem they complain about, they block the solution they suggest, and eventually they just blame everything on you. This will continue until everyone is unhappy about everything, then they will blame the unhappiness on me too. Instructing me to be happy.

But it doesn't matter what you do, happy or sad, standing up or sitting down, saying something or not saying anything, it doesn't matter, you'll get the blame, and very likely you'll get mutilated in some way, and someone will shout 'learn' at you. Either way that's what happens.

Blaming me for blaming me. Literally blaming me for the thing they are doing to me. #

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