

Well the plan to merge and deploy the latest archives plugin has been derailed. As I set off for the internet place, I could sense a warpath brewing in the air. I got to the corner where the soup stand is and sure enough as I crossed the road from the ether emerged a random voice shouting 'more ah!'. That's typucally not a good sign. I calmly notes that it sounded like a warpath and continued on my way.

At the internet place, there were much nore people than usual at this early time, it was about 6am. Started getting ready to do the merge. Noticed that yesterday's posts hadn't been deployed, even though the midnight build has successfully conpleted. I've been debugging that for the past 40 minutes.

Looks like the build completed but the deploy got stuck wasting 25 build minutes, and eventually completing without error, though the logs show that the deploy did in fact error, and did not deploy the latest build.

It's not a good omen. I can almost sense a disturbence in all around me. It’s like I’m being pressured into starting the meege, but I'm already tired now.

Feeks like the world is going to keep escallating no matter what I do.

Someone literally as I type this note, just flicked a cigarette butt in my direction. Landed a meter from my feet.

I guess the world is in fact on another warpath. What a suprise, guess I'll be having to yet again handle another tsunami of hate, as everything gets blamed on me for the millionth time. #

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