

15:11:00 +07:00 I'm really curious about the podcasting 2.0 movement. It's a progression of the podcasting scene with revenue payment tools that use Bitcoin to give podcasters a new way to interact with their listeners. With the new tech, listeners can stream sats, which are small subdivisions of a Bitcoin, directly to the show podcasters. They can also send one off 'boosts'. It works really well for shows that have quite a lot of audience interaction.

My current two favorites that use it are Citadel Dispatch Podcast and the Linux Unplugged Podcast. The Linux Unplugged guys have gotten especially into it, creating sound effects for different donation amounts. The sound effects are short film and TV clips. It creates a more intimate vibe with show insider jokes.

To participste as a listener you need to listen using playback software that supports the new tech. One example I hear mentioned a lot is Fountain. Another I've heard mention is Podverse.

I think these are great tools for audience participation / Q&A style show segments. Interested to hear about any other podcasts that are experimenting with this stuff. #

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