

The new everything page archives is fully written and tested, and has been ready for deploy for over two weeks now. I haven't made any code changes. I fully expect the deploy to go relatively smoothly. However this insane level of anarchy and dysfunction in the world around me is not instilling any confidence. It's doing the exact opposite because while in normal regular world times I would fully expect to easily handle any issues with the deploynent, in this insane everything is f-d environment, even small hickups would likely be very dufficult to deal with, and could cause a massive derail, and you run the risk of ending up in a worse place.

The frustrating thing is that in between all these tsunamis, I can see that the world is mostly calm, things are just carrying on as normal. But for instance where I'm sitting, a group of 2 or 3 young blokes sat down a few minutes ago and are exageratedly swinging their feet, have been quietly saying yah over and over, slapping their foot down repeatedly like you do to signal impatience. All this yah-woah is likely manyfactured, but even if it’s fake, for all intents and purposes the effects are very real if you are at the center if it, and since it’s a cloud that follows you everywhere, you are always at the center if it.

Oh and did I mention I am being starved. And that's another thing that happens in these situations, people spitting as they pass you, not necessarily aggresively, though that happens too, but to show you they are being thirsted and have no spit left. And people that look very thin start appearing, like they are hungry. Is that all fake too though? Why would me deploying my feature to my inconsequential tiny little unknown static site generator which isn't even open source yet, be in any way linked to any of this mega hurry up'ing. It makes no friggin sense.

It's like I'm a bus and a huge group of people I don't know keep throwing themselves under me, then getting very annoyed, angry and even occasionally violent at me, when I don't do whatever is in their heads. It often feels like it's just to derail me, but there might actually be real life people suffering from hunger and thirst, but then again maybe they are fake. There is no way to know.

But the reality, even if it's a manufactured one, even if there are real people starving and thirsting, is that the situation is highly likely to get worse if I do actually speed up and rush things.

And did I mention that I'm actually for reals being starved and thirsted?

That last paragraph was going to be the last paragraph, but the instant I finished it, a man arrived shouting, chased by a woman trying to sell him scratch card lottery tickets. This sort of end of task yah is happening constantly. Oh and another man just arrived in this incredible rush to sit down, and I had to move my bags, which I don't mind doing of course, but he was in such a rush he nearly sat in the wrong place, ontop of my bags or dividing my bags up, seperating me from one of them. Very unusual. I had to say to him to wait, to chill out while I move the bag to give him space. I wouldn't be suprised if that will lead to me being punished in some way later. Oh guess what, I just got punished while writting this sentence. The yah loiterers uttered a 'think' right as I finished the sentence which caused me to lose my train of thought, which caused me to look like I had paused to think, which made the yah loiterers strangely happy. So I calmly infiniti-no'd them. I wouldn't be suprised if this entire situation was manufactured. This is how bad it is here sometimes.

Anyway, and so it goes, I'm going to delay the deploy for a bit.

Update: I stopped typing, started listening quietly to a podcast, and a few moments later the two yah-loiterers got up and left.

Update: As I type this two new people have showed up behind me just out of view and are second guessing my typing. Stop, start, stop, start... #

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