

You say No! a single time, and immediately afterwards, the hive mind tries to correct you simply for making an awkward movement as a bloke who regularly intimidates you walks past, by having him shout No! at you. He's No!-ing your No!

Literally just for moving your body in a way that for whatever reason he found disagreeable. Nevermind that the entire world has been tsunami No!-ing you repeatedly for the past 2 days and you have been quietly saying nothing.

It's one set of rules for you and a totally different set of rules for everyone else. Even thinking that there is a minus-infiniti plus-infiniti pattern occuring is grounds for anothoer tsunami. And of course any suggestion that this is not a normal situation is met with genuine righteous indignation of the highest order.

No's for we but not for thee

Mind boggled for the 1 millionth time. #

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