

Earlier this morning, as I was getting breakfast there was another warpath cascade. Figured I'd describe it here since there are links to previous incidents.

I left the internet place, around 7am, having scheduled the newsletter. I had a vague route in mind, and as I walked I decided to avoid yesterday's place with the baggied sauce. The food was pretty good but the sauce tasted a bit strange. As I walked towards the cross roads ahead, I thus would need to need to carry on straight instead of turning right.

As I made this decision I noticed up ahead a security guard loitering outside a shop, he was clearly waiting for me, I noticed it instantly. His focus was on me, even though he was interacting with another person. Sure enough at the monent I walked past him, he belted out extremely loudly 'No!'. He had obviysly been waiting to shout his prepared line at me.

I said nothing, continued on, got to the cross roads and walked straight across, the lights turned green for pedestrians crossing at the exact moment I got there. I continued up the road about a hubdred meters and a bloke sitting on his motirbike taxi started trying to catch my attention. He'd clearly been sitting there for a while. He shouted 'Yo Yo Yo No!'. Notice the final No there. Quite a strange coincidence.

I ignored the mototaxi bloke, and continued up to the street I was heading towards that has several food stands during the morning hours. The first one appeared to be out of what I was looking for, I continued to the next place. When I got there, there was another one of these strange situations where there is already a customer there ostensibly getting served but the interavtion is strange. They are doing the food purchase thing, but they are concentrated on me, waiting to see what I do, so their interaction seems odd, like they areb't quite sure what they are doing. I kept my distance and just waited.

Eventually they finish, and the vendor turned towards me, looks somewhat suprised, even though I'm quite sure she clearly already knew I was standing there. I say what I want, the starts gathering the various bits and pieces, oddly looking for confirmation from me went stacking the rice. She did this last time too. There's no reason for her to do this as her stand is a rice and pork stand.

She turns to add the pork and also puts an egg on the dish. I say 'no egg', she doesn't hear me, or is ignoring me. I say it once again louder. She definitely heard me the second time. She continues none the less, wraps it all up and bags it. Motions the price with her fingers. I give her the money I was already holding in my hand. So I ended up with an extra egg, for the normal regular price.

I know from experience this will be turned into some sort of way of blaming me for something, but I don't really have a choice, I take the food and pay, and walk off. I walk to down the road towards a sandwich shop I know is there that I've been to a few times. The vague plan was to get a sandwich that I can have later for lunch.

As I get towards the shop I see ahead of time there is already a customer standing there. It's another of thise weird situations, it doesn't feel right, the body movements are all wrong, they have been standing there waiting for ages, the flow isn't right. I decide instantly to skip the sandwich, and sure enough as I walk past, the apparent customer shouts 'No!'.

I ignore it and continue down the road. There's another street vendor near there that I go to sometimes. The vendor isn't there, but as I pass their spot, several people nearby shout 'No!'. I ignore it and continue. I get to the corner and guess what the food vendor just happens to be turning around the corner with her stuff, but it looked like she had been standing waiting there, only setting herself in motion as I arrived. I ignore it, decide to give that a muss too.

I head to the sweet breads food vendor that I've mentioned before, deciding just to get one since I don't have much money. As I turn the corner into the road where he usually is, a security guard type bloke shouts 'No! No!' as I pass. I ignore him, walk to the vendor and buy 1 sweet bread. I head to the shop that gave me a free boiled egg gift the day I got assaulted. I buy some instant noodles. This time he isn't so friendly, he looks disaprovingly at me, and says okay after I've paid in a way that makes you think you he doesn't trust you. I ask him if he knows why everyone is behaving strangely this morning. He is suprised at me addressing him, he suddenly becomes very sheepish, and says nothing.

What a strange coincidence.

I continue to the cafe shop with a seating area, there are a few more 'No!' incidents. I'm still ignoring them all. In the cafe shop, several customers show up and sit nearby, clearly trying to provoke me. I ignore them all, they seem disapointed and deflated, run out of things to say to each other and leave.

Just another day.

As I write this paragraph, Bjork is singing 'Save Up' over and over, in the RA mix #940) I'm listening to. The irony is, and I've mentioned it before in the newsletters, they have deprecated saving. They block you from saving, they make it basically impossible, they always know exactly what you have. If you manage to save anything at all, even a few pennies, they treat you like a thief or drug addict. There is no way to escape.

Just another distopian synchronicity. #

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