

2024/06/10 #

I've made some progress yesterday on getting the archives working for the everything page, though I had to do a lot of housekeeping of the code initially.

The test data wasn't created with merged data sources in mind, so it wasn't really a good data set for testing the everything page since the different post type examples were on different days. There was also a bunch of EJS syntax in them which was just confusing things. So I spent quite a bit of time updating the data to something that shows the everything page in action.

The npm module cache started doing strange things again. I was able to prove it wasn't getting updated correctly. Ultimately it was blocking me from using new code in plugins. I refactored the cache refresh logic so it's easier to clear the cache, but in the end the only thing that fixed it was tediously deleting all cache items by hand one by one in the Github web UI. That's not normal. The cache is keyed off of a hash of the package-lock.json. If that changes, and it should everytime something changes in the npm modules, then a new cache should be created. It's either the cache, or npm isn't updating lock files correctly.

Anyway, hoping to be able to test the latest archives plugin code today, which should hopefully create a merged data source and correctly handle adding the right urls to the page, so individual items from different sources are correctly referenced. Let's hope the cache doesn't cause any more issues, I've used up a little over half of this month's build minutes so far.

Update: The midnight build for whatever reason got stuck deploying to the hosting provider. The job completed without erroring, but in the logs there was a single error line outputed. The newly built site didn't get deployed either.

TimeoutError: Timeout while waiting for deploy

I'm adding this update to trigger a build to deploy the site. Another totally unnecessary waste of 25 build minutes when I'm already almost run out. #

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