

2024/06/27 #

Ice lolly's are definitely the new stick I'm being hit with. More sleep depravation last night led by a young couple both eating ice lolly's even though it was clearly raining. It might seem like a small innocuous thing but I know from experience that these events that all involve ice lollies in rapid succession, day after day, are all linked. All a form of anger goading. The people actually eating the ice lolly's might not all be aware of the situation, but some clearly are.

Also couples. The last two days there has been an uptick in the number of male - female couples that are gang stalking. That's not a coincidence in my opinion, because several of the recent tsunami escallations have been seemingly have seemed like an infiniti war between these two groups, extending into infiniti like an tit for tat asymptote, where every move, no matter how minuscule, must be countered and offset.

Also several very very aggressive motorbike drivebys last night. Literally threatening me with some sort of violence, while shouting at me with extreme maliciousness. I was just sitting quietly.

I'm tired. I'm hungry.

Difficult to be upbeat about anything when I know I'm going to be tsunami'd by a world clearly on the warpath, absolutely convinced that I'm to blame for everything, even while it infiniti No!‘s me in every dimension, while claiming to be a gang if angels, many of whom actually believe their multi-universe sized bullshit. #

The past two days the cranky old lady that walks past every morning and sits at the other end of the bench for a few moments, then continues on her way, has been joined by a man, not quite ad old, brandishing a small coke cola bottle. I say joined but they appear not to know each other but the pattern is so regular, it makes you wonder.

First she walks past with her walking stick, sits down. Then he appears seperately, sits on the bench. They both sit quietly. They appear to be very attentive to what I'm doing, like they are waiting for me to say something. She then gets up and leaves. A few moments later he gets up and leaves in the opposite direction. Yesterday his bottle had coke in it, today it has water in it.

I mention it because it's weird. It's too well balanced for it not to be some form of anger goading.

Btw, the cranky old women is the one that previously wasn't so quiet, shouting at me for no reason, and eating ice lolly's, or at least appearing to. I saw her eat one, then everytime I walk past her there are either ice lolly wrappers or used tissues thrown around her. She also exposed herself to me which was again weird. It's all very very strange.

While I was writting this note, a man on a motorbike slowed down, pretended to get on the phone, then said 'Aaaaah' quite loudly drove off. That was immediately followed by some loud kids on bycicles. All these fakes have one thing in common, they all are trying to catch my attention or are paying way more attention to me than anyone else around. They stick out like a sore thumb, and they almost always apear one after the other in quick succession. #

I've taken to saying 'Infiniti no' whenever something feels off or strange. That happens to be quite a lot sometimes. I just say it calmly.

The thinking behind it is that (1) saying No is definitely allowed because their popular drinking chant is 1-2-3 No! (2) it's increasingly looking like people are making up invented agreements in their head, like a sort of bitcoin covenant, then later punishing you for not respecting the thing they invented in their head. So I need to be clear I'm not agreeing to anything, at every step, because I get punished for literally everything.

It's similar to how John Gruber described Apple's reaction to the EU's DMA fines.

I know it sounds bonkers, but since I've started doing it, several gang stalker groups of fake customers that have been appearing in cafes, have started to lose their shit. It's like I've thrown a spanner in whatever they were doing. It's the strangest thing.

The world is infiniti No-ing me constantly in every conceivable dimension, and a few that aren't conceivable, the only thing I have left is to calmly return the favour.

I feel like I've tried everything, it's the only remaining sensible option. I just hope I don't turn into Alan Partridge, or starve to death. #

I'm sitting quietly in the park, quietly starving, just reading stuff on my iOS device. Two seemingly random walkers pass by, they are chatting loudly, much louder than all the other walkers going around the circular walking circuit. As they pass me, one of them shouts out in my direction 'Die!', followed by maniacle laughter from both of them.

I calmly reply, 'infiniti no'. Not much else I can do.

I remember that this morning on the way to the internet place, after the first corner there was an early funeral ceremony / sombre celebration happening. Funerals have this strange tendency to materialise at the end of bullying cyckes, just when they are about to start starving you. #

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