

It's abundantly clear that everything I do is tracked here. It's not clear exactly by who, same as the gang stalkers, you never really know who is doing it. Just some amorphous anonomous gang of folks. A lot of the constant bullying they do is subtle in nature, passive aggressive if you will. One thing they definitely do is play with smells.

At the internet place where I get online, I find that whenever I discover a new food dish, then the very next day, the smell of exactly that same food suddenly appears at the internet place. This has hapenned many many times at this stage. Most recently it's been with:

But it's happened with so many more things that I've lost count. Each time I discover something new, or change my pattern and start eating something that I hadn't had for a while, almost immediately that smell appears at the internet place. It's like clockwork.

The people near the internet place are always barking orders at me, in ever more sly and devious ways. Using smells is just another example of the same thing. I imagine they likely have a saying they say to themselves, something like "Always be ordering". Ultimately it's just another example of warpathing. #

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