

2024/07/02 #

Lots of hours spent yesterday trying debug the last few kinks in the everything page archives. It all renders but it's doubling up the item pages rendered because the everything page actually uses the item pages generated from the individual blog, linkblog, notes, newsletter and podcast pages. Do I've had to add a way to turn off the rendering of item pages for an archive, which can be used when you are creating an archive from a merged data source. I think it will likely work. World willing, I'll hopefully be testing that today.

Not so obvious though as said world has really got itself into a mighty twist since I started infiniti no-ing it’s infiniti-nos. Infinite infiniti-nos for we but not even a single infiniti-no for thee seems to be the expectation, righteously defended with escallation and mutilations. I ended up yesterday evening in major sneezing fits, and runny nose, looks to have been alergies, and it's cleared up this morning. What are the chances, right at the end of another bully cycle.

They create the problems they complain about, they block the solutions they suggest, then escallate and escallate, and even if you do what they say they want, they will blame it all on you, then mutilate you. One of them even finally admitted that that was 'exactly' what they do, because she had backed herself into a corner of her own making and it was just so unbelievably obvious that was what was going on. And guess what, that got blamed on me too, and I got mutilated for that. And some borderline malicious help last night too.

As I type this I'm noticing my eyes feel itchy, that's not a good sign. Oh well, onwards, hoping to have the everything page archives done by the end of the day. #

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