

It's a bit nippy this morning! The sky is very cloudy still. Lots of rain all through the night last night. I guess today is going to be more of the same. The bullying gang stalkers are playing with multiple of my resources at the minute. Water is back to a trickle, and to use it I have to spend hours standing in a position that is totally back breaking, electricity has maybe been cut off, so I don't know if I'll be able to charge my devices, food and drinking water has become very scarse. Access to hot water is being challenged. Not great in rainy season where it often gets very cold.

Huge amounts of annonymous gang stalker bullying literally everywhere. The closer I get to releasing the everything archives feature, which will finally put the everything page setup in a minimal working state, the worse the environment around me has gotten. The new thing is to bully me when it's pissing down with rain. I get surrounded by people where I'm sheltering from the rain, either side of me, they seem unrelated. They all start talking on their mobile phones really loudly, but their conversations are in some way fake, they are constantly making references to bad things that have happened to me in the past day or so.

One bloke yesterday was mocking me for being cold in the rain. He was smoking a cigarette and waving it way too close to my rain poncho which was covering my bags. I said to him to be careful as I only have one working poncho. He said he needed to smoke to warm himself up, saying "I am so cold". Though it does get very cold, it wasn't cold at all at that point. Also, given his size, he certainly wasn't in any danger of getting cold any time soon. What he said felt prepared. That makes total sense in a gang stalker situation. All these fuckers around me were part of the same troop. He was mocking me, and the fact that I do actually sometimes get very cold, several times to hypothermia levels of cold. Anyway I had some choice words for him, and he left chuckling to himself. The bloke on the phone pulled the old crazy foreigner card, pretending that I was the one harrassing him.

Anyway, I don't want to be writting about all this, but it's getting much worse.

I'm going to try and focus today on getting the updated archives plugin deployed. It's all tested and working in staging, there were several bugs that I fixed yesterday amidst a vicious tornado of hate. That's what I want to focus on. The worry I have is that the way things have been going, especially with all the references to death this past week, it's as if I'll get it all working, only to be completely cut off, and unnable to blog anymore. I really hope that doesn't happen. That seems to be what the world is aiming at in the tea leaves. #

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