

Quite an eventful morning. There was a firedrill at a building right next to the nearby store, the one where shoplifter bloke keeps scoping out when he's sitting on the end of tge bench. Rich before it happened a light green police bloke, they are tge more local neighboorhood variety of police, stopped for a chat. i had no idea what he was going on about. He said you go, then pointed away down the street, then pointed to the building where the fire drill was about to happen.

About 30 seconds earlier, a motorbike delivery guy that had been loitering for at least 30 minutes, suddenly made a phone call, when the person answered, he said 'Hi dog', then off on some gibberish. Note as I typed the last sentence the bloke from the house across the way who I've never seen on the phone in the couple of years I've been coming to this place, popped out on a mobile phone and simply said 'lie lie' quite quiety, then disaoeared back into the house. Weird. Anyway it's relevant because the westerner bloke and the local girl that gifted ne a few meaks abd sandwiches a few weeks ago, discovered that there was a toilet in the lobby of the firedrill building. Useful to know. But why was the police officer pointing at the building saying Go! Just another ambiguous synchronicity.

When all the staff from the various buildings gathered outside, the local pilice officer from before was directing traffic. At the far end of the building nearly just out of site but not quite, was twi firemen shooting their firehoses up into the air, clearly crossing streams by the way, but not actually at the building, just into mid air next to the building. As that was happening several women walked past on the phone saying loudly 'gay' as they walked past. Also a taxi with a bunch of people from firedrill building as they went past police officer, the guy at the window was really exagerating a head nod at the police bloke and had a huge grin on his face. Police bloke kind of smiled back but acted a bit like he didn't know the head nodder.

At about the same moment, another police officer appeared, about 10 meters away, when our eyes met briefly he gave ne s really disaproving look. He was the oolice bloke from a few weeks ago that appeared one night and was saying they had a place for me to go, some sort of visitor center, but it sounded really dodgy, very far away. He said evrrything wiuld be paid for. Anyway he never came back, even though he said he would 1 week later.

Oh and the other thing that I didn't mention was that weird shoplifter bloke showed up right after initial police bloke, right before the drill started, and stood / crouched next to be the entire time.

Second police bloke drove off on the back of a non descript motorbike with another police bloke driving. He appeared to say some sort of rude thing in english and he drove past, said at the guy driving, but quite a coincidence it was just as they passed on front of me.

So as you can see all sorts of weirdnesses. Just another day in nightmare limbo.

People had already really reduced the amount of gifted food etc when the weird old lady showed up a few weeks ago, and hangs out at outside the nearby shop. Now with shoplifter bloke turning up all throughout the day and evening, there are basically no people offering to help at all.

Still starving. I've only eaten food 3 days in the last 7. #

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