

Rained quite a lot last night. Weird shoplifter bloke still hanging around. He appears to be pretending he was actually bringing gifts to the weird old lady that now hangs out outside the shop almost 24/7. Of course he would do that wouldn’t he if he was shoplifting, because he doesn’t want her to rat him out. I'm still calling him little boy to try and put him off so that I don’t get blamed for his criminality. There's not much else I can do. I certainly don’t want any violence. And the reality is he’s actually steeling from me. I saw him walk past the internet place yesterday, so no doubt something is going to happen there soon related to all this.

I fixed the website's everything RSS feed, which was quite the challenge because the world literally always starts starving me any time I do any work on the RSS feeds. I pretty much only have to look at the feed code and starvation gets initiated, along with enormous infiniti total reality inversion bullying from every direction. It’s like a mass delusion pavlovian response or something. Anyway the urls in the by date everything feed had an undefined variable, breaking the urls.

I had to add a way to seperate the webRoot and the itemsWebRoot in the template where you define a feed. That fixes the urls for feeds that are based on mixed data sources. I also updated both the Twitter and Mastodon autoposter tools, so there should only be a single auto posted link each day to the latest everything page post, rather than seperate auto posts for notes and links. I decided to keep an auto poster for individual blog posts. I want these to stand out a bit, since they are the most valuable content. Over the next few days it will hopefully be more obvious if the balance is right.

Okay pat yourselves on the back 10x everyone, time to do some work. #

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