

2024/07/13 #

I got this week’s newsletter issue writen and scheduled. That’s always a relief. There’s something odd that it does to time, which can upset your rythm a bit. I can’t quite put my finger on the specifics, but the process of writing the newsletter is some sort of huge compression of the entire week. I find it often leaves you in a strange state where you feel like you're having to catchup with everything.

Anyway today is going to be about listening to some podcasts, trying not to stress too much, eating some food, maybe a blog post. Doing my best not to get all caught up in the weird newsletter compression thing. #

I totally did get caught up in the newsletter compression thing. I don’t know if I’m describing this very well. Anyway this is me sort of getting out of that, having published a blog post, some links and a few notes. Gosh it sure was very confusing getting this all sorted though.

Sometimes the world just wants to fight you on absolutely everything. It punishes you for punishing you then forces you to pay for your own punishment, then is righteously offended by you just for existing.

Still managed a newsletter issue, a blog post, a few links, some notes, and listened to a few cool pods. Oh and I ate some really nice food.

Peace world, your friend Mark. x #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.