

Shoplifting bloke appears to have disapeared the past 2 days, but he’s been replaced by another bloke who basically does the same charade. This bloke has a mobile phone and a backpack, looks much more normal. He stands there for ages looking at his mobile phone, looking confused. Then over to the shop, looking confused. He’s holding a plastic bag with something in it. Then eventually disapears.

There’s also been this other older bloke on a motorbike that’s stopped two days in a row, yesterday evening with some food gift. He's very grumpy.

The police did several walk-bys early this morning. That’s unusual. I mention all these things because I know from experience that they will all coalesce into some sort of thing where I get blamed for everything. They always do.

Even as I write this note, two motorbike gang stalkers drove past and shouted No! at me. And so it goes, everything will be my fault now for the rest of the day. #

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