

I’ve listenned to several politics podcasts discussing the Trump assassination attempt and though there was much mention of the fist in the air, no one has mentioned the bizare nazi salute thing as he was evacuated from the stage. Was the video I watched a fake?

Apparently he was shouting 'fight' rather than the f-word, which is what I thought at first. A bit weird but I can see how in the heat of the moment that could happen. But a nazi solute? WTF is that about?

If it turns out I did watch the official real video, it’s really strange that everyone is just pretending the nazi solute didn’t happen.

As part of today’s escallations from locals, there has been another photographer (there was one yesterday too), some sexual harrassment and a walk-by past me as I sat in the park earlier loudly saying 'fight fight'. Oh and another police walk-by in the shop / cafe I’m in now. What are the chances? #

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