

2024/07/19 #

I’ve been able to write quite a few blog posts the past few days. One thing I changed in my routine is I started drinking a hot cup of coffee in the morning, and occasionally one in the afternoon. It definitely helps with getting focussed and into gear as far as writting goes, at least it has done for the past few days. The downside is that I’m not too into how it makes you feel afterwards when the coffee wears off. It’s not terrible, but I find I’m perhaps somewhat more irritable.

The world of course gas noticed my slight change in routine, and has been doing it’s best to royally f it all up. Manufactured situations where people in cafes / shops are setting themselves up to sleep for the entire day, yet if I so much as put my feet up on a chair I get in trouble with the shop staff. It’s basically impossible to change anything without it causing enormous problems, as the malicious types try to find all the holes in the new configuration. It’s absolutely madenning.

I call it what it is which is theft. Theft of your life is the worst kind of theft. It’s basically slow murder IMO.

I've continued trying to do the podcast reviews as I listen to podcasts, creating links on the linkblog. When it works it feels good, but the world constantly getting in the way so it feels like a struggle. Somehow it’s easier to do that all in one go, rather than after each episode. I wish that wasn’t the case. It would be great to have all the reviews done when I start writing each issue.

I'm a few reviews behind, so I’ll hopefully get those done today, world willing. Overall I kind if like this new way of doing it, but I’m not sure it’s very practical given my circumstances. Unfortunately.

Anytime I start typing for more than a few minutes, it‘s like I trigger some sort of immune response from the hive mind, and the world starts yah’ing me, trying to hurry me up, and of course that has the opposite effect. Oh well, one must persevere regardless as they say. #

I wonder if in the distant future governments will eventually just consist of AI brain trainer specialists. In this world a change of government, would essentually be a national brain transplant. The turn up with the new brain, plug it in, then everything just gets put through the new brain. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.