

The new thing, since the evening before yesterday evening, is people dressed in black. Mostly head to toe black, occasionally just a black tshirt. They have been appearing everytime some sort of manufactured anger goading is in progress. They will often appear to be having a normal conversation, but then they drop in a word that was used in a key moment during the previous anger goading situation, which was usually in a totally different location. It sticks out like a soar thumb in amongst the apparent vietnamese they are speaking.

There was quite a bit of sleep depravation by roudy groups that kept showing up one after the other yesterday evening like some sort of relay race. It was clear I was being blamed for something. There were several seruptitious 'you learn' shouting in amongst the frollicking cleary aimed directly at me.

I’m still calling out people stealing from me. That’s going down about as you would expect. Usually resulting in even more stealing. Sandwich shops suddenly run out of ingredients, cafe shop seating areas suddenly get mysteriously sealed off with cardboard box tape, shop staff counters closing as you get to the front of the queue, getting redirected to another queue, only for that queue to also get mysteriously closed. Even self depracating jokes about being a tennis ball, go down like a ton of bricks. Only they are aloud to be funny, you can never be funny, even if you are taking the piss out of yourself.

The hypocracy reaches the end of the universe and pokes a whole through to the next universe, while simultaneously springing a leak into 12 different dimensions you never even knew existed.

Got issue #173 of the newsletter writen and published though. That felt pretty good.

And I’m right back at it listening to podcasts, taking notes, writing blog posts and posting links. #

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