

I did eventually get the code for the reusable workflows feature I mentioned yesterday writen, but oh gosh was there push back from an angry world definitely on the war path pretending quite unsuccessfully to not be on the war path. I also managed a blog post, and that too was a slog to get through. Just so much hate and anger, disguished as 'you learn' and 'pay' harrassment incidents. Getting blamed quite literally for the things being done to me. That’s the thieves little trick, they steal from you while blaming you for stealing. It’s not always obvious because the thing they steal often isn’t a physical thing, but it equates to one because ultimately in one way or another you end up paying for it with time or money.

I listenned to a pretty wild episode of Gold Goats ’n Guns podcast, talking all about the Trump assassination attempt. It meanders on for quite a while but it sure does finish on a whopper of a conspiracy theory. I had no idea people in the US thought like this. Kind of want to hear more about these wild ideas.

Seems like I’m on the brink of another starvation cycle from the gang stalker thiefs who just want to control every single concievable aspect of my life. Makes the pro-choice issue in the US seem a bit quaint. Broadly I would describe it as pro-infiniti-slavery. It’s so extreme that people simply don’t believe it’s a real thing. Finding it hilarious like some kind of joke. Meanwhile it’s totally happening.

I have a few podcasts to review, and need to go through yesterday’s code I wrote. Let’s see how far I get, hard to do on an empty stomach.

Another day... #

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