

No food for ages then breakfast, lunch and dinner pretty much all at once. Got gifted a couple of croisants late last night, then two meals in quick succession in the wee hours, hence I’m up earlier than usual. I’ll get a few hours of coding done at the internet place where I can test my code online, and now that I’ve eaten something I’ll have some energy.

Hopefully the starvation from the last few days won’t have too many side effects. I’ve found in the past that my body has needed a day or two to recover. This time it wasn’t total starvation, as I managed to eat a few small snacks here and there, though mostly quite devoid of any nutrition. We shall see.

I think my build minutes reset today or tomorrow so it’s the last chance to use those minutes up. The good news is that next weekend’s newsletter is already done so that takes the pressure off a bit. I’ll keep on adding links and posts and listening to podcasts, and update the newsletter at the end of the week.

I find it odd but not unnexpected that the week after I published a newsletter and blog post about kicking poverty’s ass, that the universe decided to totally kick my ass. What are the chances? #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.