

Well I was right about the maliciousness continuing. Two incidents one after the other this morning. First at the sandwich shop, the sandwich shop bloke getting all upset with me for no reason "Okay okay" as I asked for my sandwich, even though it was early with hardly any customers. I jokingly responded with an "okay okay okay okay", which got a bit of a laugh from sandwich bloke, somewhat suprising as that’s the first time that’s happened. Anyway the moment didn’t last long as I was immediately accused of lying by the other large sandwich woman working alongside sandwich bloke.

At the next shop, a few meters down the road, there was a largish woman already in there having a dubious chat with the shop staff. I immediately sensed something was off as soon as I entered the shop. On entering the shop bloke called either me or the woman a dog, a convenient ambiguity for him. I responded 'not at all' and entered the store. As I approached the register to pay for my item, the woman turned and held out her hand towards me, in a very bizare way I might add. She was very intent on me taking her hand. What are the chances of such an ambush literally an hour after discovering a skin reaction on my left hand ring finger?

It was a very awkward situation, eventually diffused after I smiled and politely informed the demoisel that it was far too early for a dance. She was very persistent but eventually departed. I went back to the water fountain to fill up a container with hot water. As I did so I joked that perhaps I had just had a narrow escape. On hearing the word 'escape' shop bloke’s face visibly flintched, which was weird. Made me wonder if both situations had been manufactured traps.

And in true what-are-you-doing-to-me-world, I see in today’s news now that Harris has announced that her running mate will be Tim Walz. Perhaps they will make an appearance on stricktly come dancing? Waltz also looks strangely familiar, but let’s not go down that rabbit hole today. I feel like I’ve already reached some sort of maximum synchronicity level for one morning.

How much time am I spending processing all these weird synchronicities? Way way way too much. Literally my life is being stolen from me. And what’s more, I don’t get blocked doing that, no the blocking only starts when I try to spend time on my static site generator or writing blog posts. #

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