

Quick update on my previous note about being mutilated on my left hand ring finger, the tail end of a bullying campaign against me. As I left the cafe I spent this morning reading, writting and listening to podcasts, about 30 meters up the road someone had very liberally sprinkled what looked very much like a bag of rice all over the ground, which I had to walk over. Geez what are the chances.

I add this for completeness, knowing that it’s likely those involved actually want me to write about it, perhaps because any publicity is good publicity? I don’t know for sure, I only know that these types of things keep happening. But it’s complicated because I’ve also met some non locals here that weren’t exactly the type you would want to introduce to the family. It’s understandable that communities protect themselves, but at the same time it’s really horrible when you get caught up in this sort of thing. I absolutely just don’t want annything to do with any of it. #

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