

2024/08/27 #

The world is doing it’s yes yes yes yes yes yes no thing again today. It’s very disorientating for your body, and quite annoying, and occasionally dangerous. But what can you do? Not much apart from wait till it blows over and turns into the new new thing. Yesterday the world was so on the warpath all day it was uterly ridiculus. I managed to ignore it all, which seemed to make it worse. The world just pretended even more to not be on the warpath while being even more on the warpath.

Anyway, today maybe I’ll be able to rebuild the reusable deploy workflow so as to fix the mystery syntax error.

Nough said. #

Are people constantly escalating everywhere because we are living in an actual exponentially escalating technology fractal?

We humans are all so dumb sometimes. We think we’re like really smart but we’re just not that far from our monkey see, monkey do past. All the instances of being dumb get conveniently forgotten about. But we always find another, possibly even dumber, way to be dumb. It just so happens that we are also getting smarter so it all sort of cancels out. But we are so dumb.

I bet the furries think we are fucking hilarious.

There will of course be a contingent that righteously believe the escallations are causing the exponentially escalating technology fractal in the first place, and are thus a good thing.

The escallationists think they themselves are both hilarious and indispensibly important, but they hate pandas for some unknown reason.

Oh noes.

I’m not even smart enough to make this note all perfect and lovely. #

Wouldn’t it be strange if now, or some time in the future, it turned out that racism doesn’t actually exist, that it’s a ghost in the machine so to speak, a misunderstanding. That the people accused of being racist were actually reacting to being trapped in some way, and the perhaps unwitting trappers interpreted this as racism. And I wonder if, bizarrely, should such a situation occur, whether it could lead to actual racism since the person being trapped sees it happen so often that they just front run these events and ‘act like a racist’ even before such an event occurs. Yeah I know it’s weirdly circular, very chicken and egg, but sometimes the world gets into a right old twist. #

Just going through old notes from the past couple of weeks to catchup with things. Thought this was worth publishing. Even if it’s not a completely finished perfect thought, I think it highlights some frustration with the levels of hypocracy in politics at the minute. I had titled it Fuck politics.

Democrats will literally tell you that they want you to have control over your body when it comes to abortion, while simultaneously trying to control every other aspect of your life including your body!

Republicans will literally tell you they want you to have freedom while simultaneously infiniti belittling you so you can never get ahead in life!

It’s bullcrap infiniti on both sides.

FuCk PiLitacS indeed. #

Another one from my notes cleanup. This one stems from all the weird pedo pervert apocalypse that happened last week. At one of the locations, right in the middle of all that stuff, one of the regular locals shouted at a mechanic up the road just before leaving on a motorbike:

"They go bear"

That was accompanied by some rather evil sounding laughter. The context around this is that at another location I go to nearby, some gang stalkers have grafiti’d the words 'Beor Loose' just were I sit. So often that’s thrown at me as part of the harrassment, often during starvation periods they put me through.

The individual in question in this case is always around young children, and I think the double meaning here is quite obvious. I don’t know why it happened, it feels like some form of intimidation, that’s why I write about it now.

Another thing that happened, either right before, or shortly afterwards, I forget exactly the sequence of events as there was so many things happening, was this individual clearly saying 'you learn' to me while they were buying something from a nearby vendor.

I have nothing else to say about it apart from it’s very f-ing weird. #

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