

Are people constantly escalating everywhere because we are living in an actual exponentially escalating technology fractal?

We humans are all so dumb sometimes. We think we’re like really smart but we’re just not that far from our monkey see, monkey do past. All the instances of being dumb get conveniently forgotten about. But we always find another, possibly even dumber, way to be dumb. It just so happens that we are also getting smarter so it all sort of cancels out. But we are so dumb.

I bet the furries think we are fucking hilarious.

There will of course be a contingent that righteously believe the escallations are causing the exponentially escalating technology fractal in the first place, and are thus a good thing.

The escallationists think they themselves are both hilarious and indispensibly important, but they hate pandas for some unknown reason.

Oh noes.

I’m not even smart enough to make this note all perfect and lovely. #

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