

The pervert gang stalkers are definitely doing their perverted gang stalker kind of pedo shit again. So I’ll start there, but there’s been tons of other harrassment aswell. I’m exhauated from not much sleep and there’s just so much of all this crap it’s really difficult keep it all in your head to write about it, even with notes. Anyway, as I mentioned I think yesterday, they cut off my washing water and power again. Lots and lots of 'you learns' literally everywhere I go. Also the internet connection has been really dodgy the past 2-3 days.

So yesterday evening it was raining pretty badly, kind of a down pour. Lots of motorbikes on the busy road I was sitting next to on a bench. A woman motorbike gang stalker, driving in the wrong direction pulled up right on front of me. She kept smiling and nodding. For a second I thought she was about to gift me something because she had the vibe of someone that was purposely stopping in front of me. Anyway while nodding and looking at me over and over she takes out a rain poncho, and starts putting it on, but she’s really really clumsy about it. She eventually gets it on and the front of it placed over the front of the motorbike handle bars, as one does in such weather conditions, but she wasn’t half going arse about foot at it, as they say.

Before ridding off she apeared to be waiting for me to notice the text on the front of the poncho, which said in big letters 'Vietbaby', next to some sort of generic logo. Well isn’t that a coincidence, just last week during the weird pedo pervert apocalypse I was gifted a large bag full of only sugar based snacks and breads and an industrial sized soft box of baby wipes. How strange that this should happen, with profuse nodding, at the same time as my washing water has been cut off, and at the same time as I’m getting constantly sexually harrassed by pervert woman in shop cafes that have grafiti erect penises on the walls next to the pevert women who are either doing never ending influencer style selfie photo shoots, or purposely hiding your charging devices behind their bags. Gee, I wonder what they are up to?

Btw a short while after she left, which was actually very indicative of somebody up to no good if you ask me because she had tremendous issues getting the bike going, keys issues, issues with the gears, kept trying to raise the foot stand 5-6 times even though it was already raised, but anyway I digress, a short while after she left, a male-female couple arrived and sat near me, both mid to late twenties, girl in another tiny miniskirt. The bloke was holding a bag from the shop which at a glance appeared to have roughly the same items as the baby wipes incident. Large water bottles, breads of some variety, other bits and bobs. He kept dropping out of, presumably, vietnanese to say the word 'Canada'. It was pretty clear they were devoting a large portion of their attention to me. I’ve lived in Canada as it happens.

Seems pretty clear they are refering to the baby wipes, and they are insinuating that I should wash with the baby wipes. And then of course they will try to frame me as some sort of pervert. I know this might seem a bit far fetched, especially to those that haven’t experienced this sort of thing, but it absolutely happens. Are there people sitting in secret closed rooms conspiring against me? Probably not. But is there some combination of emergence, pranksterism, various gangs gossiping about me, ... and maybe a bit of secret planning behind closed doors, yes undoubtably. And as I’ve been trying to illustrate over the past few weeks and months, it’s something that evolves over time, day by day. It’s incredibly pernichous, a slow constantly encroaching evil that nibbles at your heals every single day, happens in boom and bust cycles, with huge crescendos. And those that have never seen or experienced it before are completely hoodwinked by the instigators who say it’s the targetted individual that has mental issues, or has some screws lose. Did I mention that in one of the cafe shop’s I go to, over the past week or so a small collection of actual metal screws has been accumulating right near where I sit. Gee what are the chances? That’s in the penis grafiti place so also some weird pervert shit going on with that.

So anyway, I’m past caring about all this. If you don’t believe me, I don’t care, if it makes me look like I’ve got a screw lose, I don’t care. Let me tell you, if this shit was happening to you, I bet you’d be in a much worse state than me. I’m actually mostly used to it at this stage. Duck off a water’s back as I have occasionally mis-spoken under times of elevated stress and sleep depravation.

So here are yesterday's harrassnent and escallation notes:

All this is but a small sample. There were also lots of 'our', 'our lie' and a bunch of other you-belong-to-us related harrassment, so much so I’ve just started calmly responding 'No slaves' and if asked, I say 'god says so', and shrug shoulders, which in a sense is actually true. I wonder where the path will lead to this time? Same place it always does.

Me getting mutilated, and everything being blamed on me.

At least the newsletter is already written though :)

PS They are doing that food and anger goading thing again where they give you food that looks half eaten like it might have been reconstituted from a bin. Then the next day they will give you expensive chocolates or croissants. Everything is malicious, everything is some form of perversion, some way of controlling you.

No slaves world! And also stop being perverts, and as you like to say to me, easy peasy! #

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