

2024/09/30 #

Two noticeable things following yesterday’s small meal gift. I had hardly eaten anything in the previous 7 days.

Firstly terrible night sweats. Your body normally heats up a bit after eating but cools down relatively quickly. This lasted almost the entire night, definitely until 3am. There was some chilli oil which I covered the rice with, so it could be that. But it still feels very extreme, I eat this sort of dish quite regularly, and rarely get night sweats like that, certainly not in recent memory.

Second was some really, and I mean really insane dreams. It was like being in a completely photorealistic demented video game. Like a car chase that felt not only more like being on a rollercoaster ride, but all the elements in the environment were also doing a rollercoaster ride thing. It was really fucking horrible.

I’m going to cut this note short because I’m already being water goaded by some strange bloke that is pretending to have a conversation with a woman sitting nearby, but who is saying hello at me, over and over while trying to get me to notice his coke bottle that is full of water. It’s very odd. I had some other thing to say about the dreams, maybe I’ll remember later. #

The bloke that gifted me the meal last night just dropped by again and gifted me a mince pork ban boa bun. It’s unbelievable how great food tastes.

So anyway a few things about the dreams:

  • It happened twice around 4-5am, two distinct dreams.
  • Both times I was really glad to wake up.
  • I’m not sure it was related to the food as I had a similar dream a few days ago.
  • Somebody had left a small ziplock transparent baggie on the floor near where I sit. Whenever small ziplock baggies appear, historically speaking there usually ends up being drug related harrassment in one form or another. It’s a form of anger goading. In previous bullying cycles, used seringes have started apearing in many of the places I go, followed by people directly and indirectly accusing me of taking drugs, which is totally false.
  • It’s worth noting here that when you are starved for 7 days, esoecially when you aren’t able to drink hardly any water, you look pretty terrible, not completely unlike somebody taking drugs, who is often starving their body from food as well as inputing harmful things. It’s no suprise that the gang stalkers use starvation, and anger goading in combination with false news about you being a drug user.
  • Yesterday I walked past a bar that was playing Metallica ridiculously loudly with two old guys outside sort of playing along on imaginary drum sets. Super weird because they didn’t look like metal heads at all, and the bar wasn’t a metal bar, just a regular coffee shop / bar place.
  • The Metallica music could quite easily have been the sound track to both dreams.
  • I was really glad I didn’t have to listen to Metallica all day yesterday, I specifically remember thinking that after walking past.
  • The dreams had this sort of feeling like when you have had way too many cups of coffee, like you are on a runnaway train, and there is no way to get off it
  • When I woke up, from the first crazy dream, I woke up into another dream, which felt like real life, I could hear people talking nearby, but couldn’t move my arm hardly at all. I eventually forced myself to move my incredibly heavy arm, and as I did this I woke up into propper reality. At least I hope it is, so far so good.
  • Yesterday evening some time around the food, a man in his twenties walked past, looked drunk or perhaps disabled. When he walked, his arms hung down by his side and flopped about like heavy arms.

I’m very low on drinking water. If there’s one thing that’s even worse than starvation, it’s thirst. Washing is also blocked as is charging my devices, so likely I’ll have to turn them all off to conserve power till the weekend. No blogging without power. #

To those of you out there collecting for good causes, for each time someone 'saves your ass', do actually at some point donate some of those cookies from your incredible stash. The people you rely on every single day might very well be starving. #

A reminder to those that like to come up with, or simply appreciate minimal apps for debugging purposes, especially in the somewhat higher level space of politics minimal apps.

Those that scam and steel your work, repurposing it for their nefarious aims, often aren’t very good at figuring out the minimal app themselves because they spend all their time figuring out all the scams. BUT, they absolutely love themselves a minimal app. In a way, their monstrous work doesn’t even start until they get hold of your minimal app.

I just think it’s important to be aware of that.

Once you start seing that sort of thing happen, you see it happen again and again, and you realise it’s been happening right under your nose your entire life.

And remember to support those that do good work, those that build faithfully towards the better future you envision. When things are going well for you it’s all too easy to forget about the people you rely on, who are often in very harsh situations. #

I hesitated to call it, though I suspected it would happen. The light green harrassment from the Mary Popins impersonator type has of course developed into a full blown light green tsunami, complete with manufactured situations.

Large gangs of dancing women entirely dressed in light green in the park, starting up mere moments after my arrival. Blokes slinging light green cloths to wipe the sweat from their brow walking past, right afterwards. I’m sure that won’t be the end if it.

I think they do it because they are just so bored of red goading, so they manufacture a non-red goading situation. Always be foreigner goading, I suppose the saying likely goes. #

There are a lot of people coughing, sneezing and spitting today. Way more than usual. There appears to be something 'in the air'. I’m noticing it too.

As a side node, I read all about the con / chem trails phenominon, and it’s debuncking, and re-bunking and what not. Who the heck knows. What I can tell you for sure is what I’ve seen with my own eyes. Last time I was in Chiang Mai, about 5-6 years ago, I was walking right outside the main old city centre quad which is where most of the tourists hang out, and I saw with my own eyes a small airoplane decend really low right over the main quad and dump an enormous amount of liquid and pull up and fly off into the distance.

The entire floor of the airplane openned and whatever it was full of, which looked like clear liquid, went right into the atmosphere right where all the tourists spend their days. I dunno, it sure looked strange. The things that authorities consider 'normal' in places around asia, are at times very different to back in the west. #

Since entering the park several water goading incidents. People appear to be aware that I’m very low on drinking water, and are harrassing me about it. For example a very jolly butch woman just walked past talking to a friend, holding and swinging an empty water bottle in a transparent bag like she was a school girl, saying loudly 'hellow', an analgam of hello and allow. It’s their favorite reality inversion, telling you to do the thing they are blocking. Absolute righteousness, like she’s doing me a favour by participating in the gang rape thirsting they are doing to me. #

Just got harrassed by security guards for daring to stand on the edge of the grass. The only reason I’m having to do that is because they have recently moved all the seats so they are permanently out of the shade. Once again creating the problems they complain about. Note that it’s happening on the light green tsunami day. They usually don’t care. Not that I’m in the habit of doing it. Also remember the ziplock baggie? I told you didn’t I?

No grass for you, or water.

And wouldn’t you know ut tgey are constantly watering the grass, but you likely wouldnt want to drink that.

The walls are closing in again. Hellow reality inversion traffic jam, how have you been? It’s been at least a couple of days... #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.