

2024/10/08 #

I’m very close to having the customizable headers feature working. Here’s the test blog post about that. I had hoped to get all the code merged and the test post pushed to the remote yesterday evening but the world had other plans, defying the weather forcast’s mild evening prediction and opting for all night rain which was started off with torrential downpours. It was fucking horid. And it’s still wet and cold now.

I’m up early, gang stalker harassment has already started, I'm already being 'Up!' harassed, which roughly translates to 'Shut up slave, go and write code, ha ha ha'. Any excitement I might have had from the idea that I was about to complete a cool feature, has disapeared now. What a bunch of fucking a-holes. They leave you with barely enough to be on life support, then they take what spiritual fullfillment you had cultivated for yourself too.

Hoping to get the code merged and I’ll manually add the test post to last night’s auto build. Better a bit late than never.

How many more lifetimes of this shit eh world? #

I did a 430am to 930am stint at the stand up internet earlier. Nearly broke my f-ing back. They’ve put dog poop in the spot where I can get a small bit of respite by leaning against the wall. Even the tiniest bit of luxury can and will be taken away by the bullies, and they will try to convince you, and presumably everybody else, they are doing you a favour.

Anyway got all the new plugin code merged and tested. But ran into a really narly situation where the npm install on the main website stopped working. Npm was telling me it was trying and failing to install a feature branch. I’d checked all the plugins to make sure I’d updated them back to using main branches since all the code was merged. It made no sense. I backed up the site folder and used git to try to at least get back to a known good state. But that didn’t work either, even blowing away the past 4 days of work. Pretty scary since at this point all the plugins have already been updated.

I went back and checked the plugins again, and sure enough there was one, the archives plugin, that still had a feature branch in it’s package.json. Once I fixed that the npm install started working again. I got the main branch back into a working state, so at least builds are working, but they are only working because of the npm cache which has a copy of all the old plugins.

The main website’s feature branch is now npm installing correctly, but there’s still some bugs. I’ll hopefully get them fixed later.

So pretty scary. But the good thing is that I was able to navigate through it all with relative ease. That’s a sign the foundations are much stronger with the reusable workflows. I suppose one could make the case that I should have paused development earlier in the day. Perhaps. The problem I have at the minute is I’m up against rainy season downpours which makes most late afternoons a literal washout. And with all the harassment sometimes you just want to power through. Yes it’s more risky at times, but the reality is that progress would be far too slow if you just waited for everything to be perfect.

The key thing is always to be able to get back to a known good state, and be very aware what changes you might loose. Sometimes redoing a few small things isn’t too bad.

I’ll hopefully get it all fixed and working later today. #

Everyone in the shop cafe this morning started having runny noses all at the same time, about an hour after I arrived. It’s odd, I think this was how it went down last bullyyng cycle too. Last time the big cycle ended by me getting a cold which turned into a chest cough. I recovered from that but then got another cold a few days later. Feels like something very similar has happened again. #

Just to prove a bit of a point here, it’s exactly as predicted, mid afternoon and absolutely pissing it down with rain, and thunder and lightning too. It would be completely impossible to be on the internet debugging the header sizes feature now. Glad I powered through and got to a safe place, but also made a lot of progress. Just need to wait for the storm to pass and I’m all setup to get back into debugging whatever bug is causing the feature branch to error during the render.

Update: And guess what, writting this short note was punished by harassment, which caysed my nose to start running again. Had been fine for the past 1.5 hours. Yet again, either way I get punished, I’ll probably be right said Fred’d for adding this update. #

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