

I’m very close to having the customizable headers feature working. Here’s the test blog post about that. I had hoped to get all the code merged and the test post pushed to the remote yesterday evening but the world had other plans, defying the weather forcast’s mild evening prediction and opting for all night rain which was started off with torrential downpours. It was fucking horid. And it’s still wet and cold now.

I’m up early, gang stalker harassment has already started, I'm already being 'Up!' harassed, which roughly translates to 'Shut up slave, go and write code, ha ha ha'. Any excitement I might have had from the idea that I was about to complete a cool feature, has disapeared now. What a bunch of fucking a-holes. They leave you with barely enough to be on life support, then they take what spiritual fullfillment you had cultivated for yourself too.

Hoping to get the code merged and I’ll manually add the test post to last night’s auto build. Better a bit late than never.

How many more lifetimes of this shit eh world? #

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